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Steve took the hand and closed his brown fingers hard upon the puffy white ones. For an instant he stood, his eyes, grave and inscrutable, full upon Allison's smaller ones. "I'm tol-lable," he drawled soberly. "And haow be you yourself?" Allison gasped, stood with mouth agape, and then burst into one of his rather too-frequent, too-hearty laughs.

At the northern end of the clearing some lovesick swain surrendered to sentiment and in a whimsical nasal voice began singing: "Come all ye young people, for I'm going for to sing Consarnin' Molly Pringle and her lov-yer, Reuben King." The thin penetrating shriek of a child somewhere in the forest pricked our ears, the clear falsetto of its fright silencing the singer and leaving his mouth agape.

He looked at her, agape. He had hastened upstairs at a run to ask her for an explanation, for he had quite lost his poor head over that unaccountable catastrophe. And the apparent ignorance and tranquillity in which he found Constance completed his dismay. "But I left you near the trap," said he. "Near the trap, yes. You went down, and I immediately came up here."

From the companion below came one running, eyes wild, mouth agape, and I recognised the man Ford who had been my chief persecutor in the forecastle. "What now, lad what now?" demanded Resolution, mopping at his bloody face. "Death!" gasped Ford. "There be dead men a-lay-ing forward dead, look'ee "

I cried out to you, but you were so busy glaring down at the man who had saved your life that you didn't think to start after the other one till he had gotten strength enough to escape from you. Then I went for water to " "Good Lord!" groaned Standish, agape. "You're you're sure dead sure you're right?" "Sure?" she echoed, indignantly. "Of course I'm sure.

When he reached the harbour he suddenly caught a glimpse of Coldevin's head behind a pile of packing-cases. Irgens noticed the direction of his glance, but this told him nothing; the old imbecile was evidently lost in some crazy meditation or other. It was amusing to see him so altogether unconscious of his surroundings, standing there agape with his nose in the air.

The boy was toting a double-springed steel trap, big enough it seemed to take all four feet of any bear that ever walked and it was beautifully dull with oil! Caleb stood and stared, mouth agape. A moment or two earlier he had had to fight off an almost uncontrollable desire to roar with laughter, but that mood had passed somehow as the boy came nearer.

"Don't ask me," I said. "Perhaps your friend the Mayor call tell you." "But, Monsieur, I do not understand," the Mayor answered piteously, his mouth agape with horror, his fat cheeks turning in a moment all colours. "This gentleman, whom you seem to know, Monsieur le Comte " "Is the Marquis de Rosny, President of the Council, blockhead!" Laval cried irately.

Arthur a Bland was worse off than any, for his mouth was open, agape with wonder of what was to come, so that a great cloud of flour flew down his throat, setting him a-coughing till he could scarcely stand.

It was June, the 'leafy month': Nature was dressed out in her newest and freshest of robes, and the homes of her feathered children were peopled with tiny birdlings, all agape with hunger and curiosity.