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As they discriminated eros, philé, and agapé in love, so also they put difference between psyché, bios, and zoé in life. What other ranges of existence and developments of being there may be for God's chosen ones in worlds to come, we dare not conjecture, but this we know. Carleton had even then, as I saw him marked for an early change of worlds, entered into threefold life.

A worn, dusty, shapeless leather bag stood agape upon the table before the window, and Denny Bolton paused over the half-folded garment in his hands to wheel sharply toward the newcomer as the door creaked open. For one uncomfortable moment the old adventurer waited in vain for any light of welcome, or even recognition, to flash up in the boy's steady scrutiny.

To which Messer Folco answered, returning with dignity my friendly pressure, "'Tis good for any man to be in Florence; there is no place like Florence from here to world's end." And then, as I stood something agape and framing a further speech, another guest pushed by me and clasped Messer Folco's hand and addressed him, saying, "So you have started a-building your new hospital.

He moved into view, a large man of forty, unmilitary, despite his good gray broadcloth and wealth of gold braid, though of commanding and most comfortable mien. His upright coat-collar, too much agape, showed a clerical white cravat. His right arm was in a sling. He began to pick his way out of the brambles, dusting himself with a fine handkerchief. The horse came to meet him.

In short, she talked a good deal of nonsense, which would have let the light into heads less dense, but left her audience agape at her eccentricity. And in these ways she conjured away the storm with her heavy artillery.

My time was come! I sprang to my feet. Alas, I had not even a stick! They came in a rush, their eyes flashing with fury of greed, their black throats agape to devour me. I stood hopelessly waiting them. One moment they halted over the horse then came at me. With a sound of swiftness all but silence, a cloud of green eyes came down on their flank.

She reddened under the insult. "Now we'll see," he continued venomously, "how far you can go alone." "Do you suppose," she asked calmly, "that I am afraid of a divorce court?" The question so frankly astonished him that he sat agape, unable to reply. For years he had very naturally supposed her to be afraid of it afraid of not being qualified to obtain it.

"Come! Be off with you!" Somehow in his face there was now a livid, uncertain air, while his eyes had lost their fire, and his mouth was curiously agape. "No, mate. Do YOU get up," was my counter-adjuration. "Unfortunately, I have hurt my leg," he replied with his head bent down. "In fact, I am not sure that I can get up."

Tump Pack drew a shaken, unhappy breath. "Now, I reckon you see whut a nigger-stopper is." Peter stood in the sunshine, looking at the estoppel clause, his lips agape. Twice he read it over. It held something of the quality of those comprehensive curses that occur in the Old Testament. He moistened his lips and looked at Tump. "Why that can't be legal." His voice sounded empty and shallow.

"Yes, it is you," he stammered; "I cannot sleep, nor rest, nor eat, nor anything." "What do you need to cure you of all that?" she asked. He stood there in dismay, his arms swinging, his eyes staring, his mouth agape. She hit him a punch in the stomach and ran off.