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I could eat anything," declared Jess. "I'm almost as bad," laughed Peggy. "Well," said Jimsy, "as there is no sign of the fog lifting yet awhile, what's the matter with our starting out to find the wood-chopper and seeing if he has anything to eat?" "Jimsy, you're a genius," cried Jess. "That's what all my friends tell me," rejoined the modest youth.

I kick the man. My shoes are very heavy not like shoes I wear now. They are the shoes of the wood-chopper, very thick on the sole with hard leather, with many iron nails. I kick the man on the side of the face, on the neck, right under the ear. I kick once. It is a good kick. It is enough. I know the place right under the ear. "And the man lets go of the dog.

During all this time, Marmaduke had been wandering about the grove, making observations on his favorite trees, and the wasteful manner in which the wood-chopper conducted his manufacture. “It grieves me to witness the extravagance that pervades this countrysaid the Judge, “where the settlers trifle with the blessings they might enjoy, with the prodigality of successful adventurers.

I know that I did my duty, and the department promoted me because I was your son," said Christy, laughing. "Not at all, my son; you deserved your promotion every time, and if you had been the son of a wood-chopper in the State of Maine, you would have been promoted just the same," argued Captain Passford. "Perhaps I should," answered the young officer rather doubtfully.

Occasionally a solitary wood-chopper would start with sudden alarm as a big white form glided into sight, and the alarm would be followed by genuine terror as he found himself surrounded by five huge wolves that sat on their tails watching him curiously.

Got him? Hang on!" It is a wood-chopper. This yawl is like a wild animal. It springs upward, it rolls, it flounders. It is like a wild bronco newly haltered. How can these many heads hope to get upon so spirited a steed? See it leap backward and on end! Now up, now sidewise, now vertically! But the swimmers are also the sport of the waves. They, too, are thrown far aloft. They, too, sink deeply.

The sun, by this time, had sunk behind the horizon, and, as they passed, Gladding threw his axe on his shoulder and joined their company. "I'm glad," said the wood-chopper, as they stepped out of the clearing, and turned to look back upon what he had accomplished, "that job's done, and I can turn my hand to something else more like summer work."

If I'd had the brains of a rabbit I'd've stopped Jasp Swope last Spring then I wouldn't need to be cuttin' brush here all Summer like a Mexican wood-chopper. That's where we fell down lettin' them sheep in and now we've got to sweat for it. But lemme tell you, boy," he cried, raising a mighty fist, "if I can keep jest one cow alive until Fall I'm goin' to meet Mr.

How much better it would have been if the farmer had left a few of the noble forest-trees to shade his house. But then, when the farmer came into the wilderness he was not a farmer, he was first of all a wood-chopper. He regarded the forest as a stubborn enemy in possession of his land.

This was a fine adjustment, for by working hammer-and-tongs through a twelve-hour day, after freight had been deducted from the selling price of the wood in Los Angeles, the wood-chopper received one dollar and sixty cents. Jones had thought to get ahead of the game by turning his wood into charcoal. His estimates were satisfactory. But the railroad also made estimates.