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They had told him she would die, but he understood them not, for never before had he looked on death; and now, when to his childish words of love his mother made no answer, most piteously rang out the infantile cry, "Mother, oh, my mother, who'll be my mother now?"

"Thot's the stuff! It's a diclaration of indepindince! Oi wonder who'll be at the reunion, Ephie?" "I dunno," answered Gallup, shaking his head. "Merry's telegram said there'd be a lot of the old flock there. I'll be all-fired glad to see 'em. Wonder how the fellers have prospered. I hope they've all done as well as we have, Barney."

"It's only a matter of work, and I'm beginning to believe that after all it is as much a matter of managing properly as working hard. Do you know that your grandfather and I are going to move to town as soon as your Uncle Joe gets married?" "Why, no, I didn't who'll look after things here when you go away?" asked Bob. "Oh, your new aunt will see to that," she replied.

"He knows I didn't! It is a mean, wicked lie!" "Sit down," said Mr. Burrows. "Ellis, did you see him throw it?" "Yes, sir, I did." Mr. Burrows turned to Tip. "Edward, come here." Tip was still standing. "Say you won't," whispered Bob. "Say you won't stir a step for the old fellow. If he goes to make you, we'll see who'll beat."

But all hurry in one direction, through mud and mire; there's a town only three miles distant, which is soon reached, and soon filled, it will not contain one-third of that mighty rabble; but there's another town farther on the good old city is farther on, only twelve miles; what's that! who'll stay here? onward to the old town.

"It ain't worth a cent, much less such a tall price as yar life." "No, we won't," said Mr McCarthy, all anxiety now to start. "Who'll volunteer to go back to the wreck and save the cat!" he called out aloud.

"Won't we lead the others a fine chase, though? They'll be dead by the time they get there." "What about us?" asked Gladys. "We'll be dead ourselves." "I suppose we will," admitted Katherine, who hadn't thought of this before, "but it will be worth it. Who'll be game?" "I know a way to fix it so we won't be dead," said Pitt, the crafty.

Every October there's a new contractor, and this time it was me friend Mr. Crane I've worked for before. So I sees Duffy about it the other day, an' he says, 'Well, I think ye better talk to the quartermaster, who's away, but who'll be home next week. An' that night when I got home, there lay a letter from Mr. Crane, wid another letter inside it Sergeant Duffy had sent to Mr.

"Come and see," he roared, dragging me by the collar to the gallery; "come and see. They sink, the lubbers! They go to blazes every one of them. Look at their faces, the crawling scum. Ha! ha! Die, you vermin! as you meant me to die; fill your skins with water, you sharks! I spit on you! Boys, do you hear them crying to you? Music, fine music! Who'll dance when the devil plays?

'Twas quite as bad, they vowed, as if the priest should suddenly desert his parish, with none to shepherd his abandoned flock. 'Who'll cheer us in our doldrums? they demanded. 'Who'll help us bear our troubles by making us forget them? Thou canst not leave us, Piper, until some other merry soul comes by to set our feet a-dancing. Now thou art come." "Yes, I! A merry soul indeed!"