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I was looking this way and that for William Henry, and whistlin' for him, when I slipped on to the trail. There, in the middle of it, was an old bucket turned upside down just the thing a man would kick away or a woman lift up. Well, Mr. Hamlin, I kicked it away, and" the boy stopped, with rounded eyes and bated breath, and added "I just had time to give one jump and save myself!

"An" now, Gus, they's only one thing left to complete my little game an' that's to get Whistlin' Dan Barry proclaimed an outlaw an' put a price on his head, savvy?" "Why d'you hate him so?" asked Morris curiously. "Morris, why d'you hate smallpox?" "Because a man's got no chance fightin' agin it." "Gus, that's why I hate Whistlin' Dan, but I ain't here to argue.

If we don't come back he'll collect the dough and vamoose. Kin you see a hole in the fence?" "You're whistlin', Ed! It's one crook tryin' to git the best of another crook. But I would 'a' said Brent was straight. I say The Spider's money goes into that there bank." "Same here. I ain't so dam' honest that it hurts me, but I quit when it comes to stealin' from the man that's payin' my wages."

"He can ketch more fish than any other two men in the place allers seemed to kind o' hev a knack o' whistlin' 'em right into the boat. And then Nelson Briggs, that settled up his mother's estate, allows he's got over a hundred and ten dollars for him, after payin' debts and all probate expenses, and that and the place is all he needs to start on."

Why, he came in as gay as a lark with those apple blossoms and he went out to his machine whistlin'. He couldn't have had much on his mind. You know I told you yesterday he's as sensible as he is brave." "What good is bravery against a madman with a gun still he promised, he promised me he would not go to the farm alone." "Then he'll abide by it.

But no sign of him could I hear or see, though I kep' on whistlin' for full a quarter of a' hour. It were strange as it didn't wake Shepherd Toller, but he kep' on sleepin' like a child in a thunderstorm. At last I give it up and shut the door and went home. How I got back, I don't know. I can't remember nothing till my missis catched hold on me and pulled me in through the door."

I saw Bob Turner go past, quite a spell ago, and he was whistlin' like lightnin'. And I heard you say, more'n once, 't you 'hadn't no man to boss you you could do as you pleased." "So I can when when g-g-gr-gramma ain't r-r-round," replied he, so meekly that Alfaretta relented.

"Wot's that?" asked one of the men belonging to the other side. "S sh!" said Stubbins. "It's him." "'oo?" inquired Plummer. "Jacobs?" "Yes," I replied. "Poor devil!" "Wot were 'appenin' w'en yer got hup ther'?" asked the man on the other side, indicating with a jerk of his head, the fore royal. Before I could reply, Stubbins jumped up from his sea-chest. "Ther Second Mate's whistlin'!" he said.

After a moment: "When are you going in to break the news to Kate?" Buck Daniels regarded him with angry astonishment. "Me?" he cried. "I'd sooner cut my tongue out!" He drew a great breath. "I feel like like Dan was dead!" "The best thing for Kate if he were." "That's a queer thing to say, Lee. The meat would be rotted off your bones six years ago in Elkhead if it hadn't been for Whistlin' Dan."

"You?" "Me!" Purvis viewed him with compassion. "Me bein' your friend, Buck," he said, "take my tip an' don't try no fool stunts around that girl. Which she once belongs to Whistlin' Dan Barry an' therefore she's got the taboo mark on her for any other man. Everything he's ever owned is different, damned different!" His voice lowered to a tone which was almost awe.