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In something less than an hour for he hired himself a horse at the nearest post-house he had delivered his letter to Mademoiselle at Choisy. Its contents sowed in her heart the very deepest consternation a consternation very fully shared by the Vicomte. "Tenez!" he exclaimed, when he had read it.

We shall perform under his windows every day, and if the Tsar drives by, I'll fall on my knees, put the children before me, show them to him, and say 'Defend us father. He is the father of the fatherless, he is merciful, he'll protect us, you'll see, and that wretch of a general.... Lida, tenez vous droite! Kolya, you'll dance again. Why are you whimpering? Whimpering again!

I have much I will show j'ai des choses extraordinaires! Tenez! Look!" He untied the mouth of the bag. Domini looked into it, expecting to see something precious jewels perhaps. She saw only a quantity of sand, laughed, and moved to go on. She thought the Arab was an impudent fellow trying to make fun of her. "No, no, Madame! Do not laugh! Ce sable est du desert. Il y a des histoires la-dedans.

Ah, you know Noemi, bien sur!" And she leered at me, and laughed again unpleasantly. "I never saw her in my life," said I hotly; "but her dog has come astray to my lodgings, and he had a piece of this ribbon of yours round his throat; nothing more than that." "Ah? Well, she lives at number ten. Tenez, there's Maman Paquet the other side of the street; you'd better go and speak to her."

One fine morning, as I was looking about in the court-yard of our hotel, talking to the servant-gals, as was my reglar custom, in order to improve myself in the French languidge, one of them comes up to me and says, "Tenez, Monsieur Charles, down below in the office there is a bailiff, with a couple of gendarmes, who is asking for your master a-t-il des dettes par hasard?"

And it is a fact that Pauline, the cook, consoled her mistress more than anybody whom she saw on this wretched morning; for when she found how Amelia remained for hours, silent, motionless, and haggard, by the windows in which she had placed herself to watch the last bayonets of the column as it marched away, the honest girl took the lady's hand, and said, Tenez, Madame, est-ce qu'il n'est pas aussi a l'armee, mon homme a moi? with which she burst into tears, and Amelia falling into her arms, did likewise, and so each pitied and soothed the other.

It has not always been fortunate for them to love me. Ah, Sophronia! Round the dreadful circus where you fell, and whence I was dragged corpselike by the heels, there sat multitudes more savage than the lions which mangled your sweet form! Ah, tenez! when we marched to the terrible stake together at Valladolid the Protestant and the J But away with memory!

We know that, mon Prince, and tenez " he went on with a sort of flattering harshness, "Mr. Razumov here begins to understand that too." His eyes which he turned upon Razumov seemed to be starting out of his head. This grotesqueness of aspect no longer shocked Razumov. He said with gloomy conviction "Haldin will never speak." "That remains to be seen," muttered the General.

Then a pair of mailed hands, clasped as in sign of friendship or loyalty, and beneath them again, the words, "D'Arthenay, tenez foi!" The story was that the son of this first Sieur d'Arthenay had been exposed to some dire temptation, whether of love or of ambition was not clearly known, and had been in danger of turning from the faith of his people and embracing that of Rome.

"But I reckon it . . . Tenez, that will be Ile Vierge there, with the lighthouse standing white as it were, beneath the cliffs; but the cliffs belong in fact to the mainland. . . . And now in a few minutes we come abreast of my parish the Ile Lezan. . . . See, see!" He caught my arm as the tide raced us down through the Passage du Four. "My church how her spire stands up!"