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"Most like," said Buck, brokenly. "Ay, there it's ringin' at the door of the house! Was that a footstep on the hall?" "It was," said Buck. "They's comin' down the hall!" But far, far away he heard the whistling of Dan Barry dying among the hills. "You let the lamp go out," said Joe Cumberland, "and now I can't see nothing. Are they in the room?"

Hit's sweet ter be dere en lissen ter de hymns, En hear dem mo'ners a shoutin' Dey done reach de place whar der ain't no room Fer enny mo' weepin' en doubtin'. Hit's good ter be dere w'en de sinners all jine Wid de brudderin in dere singin', En it look like Gaberl gwine ter rack up en blow En set dem heav'm bells ter ringin'!

"Put it right back," said Susy, "and come away." "Let me take it," cried Lonnie, seizing it out of Prudy's hand, "I'm going to put it up at auction. I'm Mr. Nelson, riding horseback," said he, jumping up on a stand. "I'm ringin' a bell. 'O yes! O yes! O yes! Auction at two o'clock! Who'll buy my fine, fresh ink?" "Please give it to me," cried Grace; "it isn't yours."

Thoughts of the brave hero's who set out to protect us with their lives while the bells wuz ringin' out their approval of such deeds. Thoughts of how they pealed out joyfully on their return bearin' the form of Peace. "As I told you, and told you truly, I don't believe there is a single emotion in the hull line of emotions, fur or near, but what them bells have rung into my very soul.

Now, you know if there's one thing more 'n another that I've got, it's ears and ears that remember, too. I hadn't been a day in that house when I knew every bell in it and who was ringin' besides. This wasn't any of 'em. But that wasn't the funny thing. It lasted just about as long as my foot rested on a step of the stairs.

"I’m goin’ to the door," said she raspingly. "The bell’s ringin’." After a minute or two she came back. "Telegram!" she announced, handing the yellow envelope over. Aunt Mary put on her glasses, opened it, and read: Cook has blood poison. Sues for a thousand. Probable amputation. Aunt Mary dropped the paper with a gasp. Lucinda looked at her with interest.

Besides, I found so much prayin' and bell ringin' wearin' on the nerves, to say nothin' of too many Indians. I ain't got no earthly use for Indians. Why priests or anybody else run after Indians beats me. Where I was brought up 't was the other way. They're after us with a scalpin' knife, and if we're after them at all it's with all the lead we kin git.

De big bees is a singin', My heart is held up and de bells is a ringin'; Hold up yo hands, Hold up yo hands!" And sweetly solitary the two lived their lives, till one day, three months later, there came to the plantation the governor and his suite.

Woodstock?" exclaimed the boy, turning round suddenly at the sound of the voice. "Now, look 'ere, I'm a-goin' to make a clean breast of it. This 'ere bloke's been a ringin' the changes on me; I'll show him up, an' well chance it. Slimy give me a quid afore he took his hook." The lad had clearly been drinking, but had not yet reached the incoherent stage.

"but to talk of the ringin' iv a bell doin' the like is beyant the beyants intirely, barrin', as I said before, it was a blissed bell, glory be to God!" "And so you tell me, sir, it is jommethry," said the twice-discomfited man of science. "Yis, sir," said O'Sullivan with an air of triumph, which rose in proportion as he carried the listeners along with him, "jommethry."