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So anxious were the boy slaves that the poor fellow should continue along with them, that, for their sake, the Arab merchants made a strenuous effort to purchase him; but Rias Abdallah obstinately refused to sell him at anything like a reasonable price.

"Air you goin', Will?" said Sam Price, pausing with his foot on the step of his buggy, that he might have the complete news before he left. "Godfrey, Will," exclaimed Rigs, breathlessly, "you hain't a-goin' to throw up a chance to stay a hull week at the Pelican, be you?" The mere possibility of refusal overpowered Rias.

Most extraordinary of all, out of the silence and the void came the checker-paned windows of the store at Coniston, then the store itself, with the great oaks bending over it, then the dear familiar faces, Moses and Amandy, Eph Prescott limping toward them, and little Rias Richardson in an apron with a scoop shovel in his hand, and many others.

Thinkin' of upsettin' Jethro?" remarked Bije, in a genial tone. "Folks in Clovelly hain't got nothin' to do with it, if I am," said Chester. "Leetle early for campaignin', Chester, leetle early." "We do our campaignin' when we're a mind to." Bijah looked around. "Well, that's funny. I could have took oath I seed Rias Richardson here." There was a deep silence.

Rias he kep' store and done it well, brisker'n I ever see him, Rias was. Wait till I put some of them things back, and make you more comfortable, Will." He moved a few parcels and packages from Wetherell's feet and glanced at Cynthia as he did so.

At the very most northwestern tip of Spain is the region of Galicia, which everybody thought was the end of the world before Columbus showed them it wasn't. People in Galicia call themselves "Gallegos," and they live in a country of rocky seacoasts, where the ocean pokes long fingers called "rias" back into green hills and fog rolls in almost every day.

How write of the sharpness of that pain to those who have never known it? The sight of every gable brought its agony, the store with the checker-paned windows, the harness shop, the meeting-house, the white parsonage on its little hill. Rias Richardson ran out of the store in his carpet slippers, bareheaded in the cold, and gave one shout.

Sidi Hamet was called, and asked by Rias Abdallah if he would sell some of the stones they had saved from the infidel ship. "Bismillah! No!" exclaimed the wrecker. "You say they are of no value, and I do not wish to cheat any true belief of the Prophet." "Will you give me some of them, then?" "No! Allah forbid that Sidi Hamet should ever make a worthless present to a friend!"

It was not much more than half an hour after he had left Brampton Street, however, that he shot past the store, and by the time Rias Richardson in his carpet slippers reached the platform the cutter was in front of the tannery house, and the trotters, with their sides smoking, were pawing up the snow under the butternut tree. Bob leaped out, hurried up the path, and knocked at the door.

The judge says Rias Richardson will tend store. Yours truly, P. Hartington. That's all," said Cynthia, looking up. For a moment you could have heard a pine needle drop on the stoop. Then Rias thrust his hands in his pockets and voiced the general sentiment. "Well, I'll be goldurned!" said he. "Didn't say nothin' about Jake?" queried Lem.