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"Wal, now, I wish I could, Lem, but my hoss is stun lame." There was a roar of laughter, during which Sam tried to look unconcerned. "Mebbe Rias'll take me over," said Lem, soberly. "You hitch up, Rias?" "He's gone," said Joe Northcutt, "slid out the door when you was speakin' to Sam."

The Honorable Heth Sutton drove over from Clovelly attended by his prime minister, Mr. Bijah Bixby. The Honorable Heth did not attempt to conceal the smile with which he went away, and he stopped at the store long enough to enable Rias to produce certain refreshments from depths unknown to the United States Internal Revenue authorities. Mr.

A woman was coming towards me along this pathway, and it was evident to me that she was one of those gipsy Rias, of whom the master has said so much. Looking beyond her, I could see the smoke of a fire from a small dingle, which showed where her tribe were camping. The woman herself was of a moderate height, neither tall nor short, with a face which was much sunburned and freckled.

"Oh," answered the girl, "everybody says so, Moses Hatch, Rias, and Cousin Eph. Didn't you?" Jethro looked at her, as she thought, strangely. "You're too young to know anything about such things, Cynthy," he said, "too young." "But you make all the judges and senators and congressmen in the state, I know you do. Why," exclaimed Cynthia, indignantly, "why does Mr.

"Who be you thinkin' of for next governor, Jethro?" queries Rias Richardson, timidly. "They say Alvy Hopkins of Gosport is willin' to pay for it," said Chester Perkins, sarcastically. Chester; we fear, is a born agitator, fated to remain always in opposition. He is still a Democrat, and Jethro, as is well known, has extended the mortgage so as to include Chester's farm.

Lieutenants had gone to Coniston for further orders and instructions, and had come back without either. Achilles was sulking in the tannery house some said a broken Achilles. Not a word could be got out of him, or the sign of an intention. Jake Wheeler moped through the days in Rias Richardson's store, too sore at heart to speak to any man, and could have wept if tears had been a relief to him.

Thinkin' of upsettin' Jethro?" remarked Bije, in a genial tone. "Folks in Clovelly hain't got nothin' to do with it, if I am," said Chester. "Leetle early for campaignin', Chester, leetle early." "We do our campaignin' when we're a mind to." Bijah looked around. "Well, that's funny. I could have took oath I seed Rias Richardson here." There was a deep silence.

The judge says Rias Richardson will tend store. Yours truly, P. Hartington. That's all," said Cynthia, looking up. For a moment you could have heard a pine needle drop on the stoop. Then Rias thrust his hands in his pockets and voiced the general sentiment. "Well, I'll be goldurned!" said he. "Didn't say nothin' about Jake?" queried Lem.