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"Billy Longbow told me a yarn once," said the irrepressible Sam Mason, "about a wooden-legged nigger." Mr. Mole looked up. "What?" "A wooden-legged nigger," said Sam Mason, touching his forelock respectfully at Mole. "No offence, your honour, to your legs." "Oh, no." "Go on, Sam," said young Jack, laughing; "out with Billy Longbow's yarn."

Of course you would be notified what day and train to expect Pollyanna on. "Hoping to hear favorably from you soon, I remain, "Respectfully yours, "Jeremiah O. White." With a frown Miss Polly folded the letter and tucked it into its envelope. She had answered it the day before, and she had said she would take the child, of course.

"'I should not have pre premitted permitted you to speak so until we have our our parents' con-consent; but oh, how sweet it " He exhaled a sigh of agony, and then concluded briskly, "'Yours respectfully, Penrod Schofield." But Miss Spence had at last divined something, for she knew the Schofield family. "Bring me that letter!" she said.

"We have had a very unexpected, and a very agreeable attendant in Captain Truck," said Mrs Hawker, when Eve had placed herself by her side, and respectfully taken one of her hands. "I really think if I were to suffer shipwreck, or to run the hazard of captivity, I should choose to have both occur in his good company." "Mrs. Hawker makes so many conquests," observed Mrs.

Meade at once replied: "The censure is, in my judgment, so undeserved that I most respectfully ask to be immediately relieved from the command of this army." Wiser counsels thereupon prevailed.

And hearing the children shouting, "Look! little Brother Giovanni's here," the Priests drew near the Monk, and saluted him very respectfully. But the holy man never returned their salute, but making as though he did not see them, went on see-sawing on the swaying beam. So the Priests said to each other: "Come away; the fellow is a mere dunce and dullard!"

Perceiving on what false grounds the attempt to injure, me was based, I replied respectfully, but at the same time smiling, that it was impossible for me to make the sacrifice exacted by her Majesty; that M. de Beaumetz, a man of great judgment, had not determined to cross over to the left of the Assembly with the intention of afterwards making himself unpopular by spending his time with the Queen's first woman; and that, ever since the 1st of October, 1789, I had seen him nowhere but at the play, or in the public walks, and even then without his ever coming to speak to me; that this line of conduct had appeared to me perfectly consistent: for whether he was desirous to please the popular party, or to be sought after by the Court, he could not act in any other way towards me.

Even this humble proposal was declined, though Hope's cheeks burned with shame as he made it. He groaned aloud, and his head dropped on his breast. His eye fell on the will lying on the ground; he went and picked it up, and handed it respectfully to Bartley. Bartley stared, took it, and bowed his head an inch or two in acknowledgment of the civility.

When, however, he retired to the chateau, after the review, he was followed by his Marshals, and respectfully, but firmly, informed, that if he refused to negotiate on the basis of his personal abdication, and persisted in risking an attack on Paris, they would not accompany him. He paused for a moment in silence and a long debate ensued.

The great painter, whom the master of the house announced in this respectfully familiar way, entered, holding out both hands. They all eagerly rose, full of emotion, delighted with that manly, cordial handshake so willingly bestowed. Bongrand was then forty-five years old, stout, and with a very expressive face and long grey hair.