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Again thanking you for your courtesy, and begging you to extend to your sister my kindest regards, I remain, my dear sir, Yours very respectfully, P. S. I shall be delighted to have the pleasure of entertaining your sister and yourself at dinner at the hall on any date agreeable to you. Kindly let me hear from you regarding this at your earliest convenience.

You are here to answer and obey orders respectfully, adding the word 'sir' to each response; you are never to go to windward of an officer, or address him by name without the prefix 'Mr.; and you are to work civilly and faithfully, resenting nothing said to you until you are discharged in an American port at the end of the voyage.

Taken by surprise a surprise mingled with sweet satisfaction I rose to my feet; and stood silently but respectfully awaiting her approach. I had acted with prudence in not speaking: for I saw by her manner that the movement was a stolen one. Moreover, the finger, raised for an instant to her lips, admonished me to silence. I understood the signal, so piquantly given; and obeyed it.

Maynard received his third-class pass, respectfully thanked his Officer for his kindly expressed sympathy which in his case was quite genuine and disappeared. Dawson jumped into the room again to take a word of farewell. "I should know him anywhere," he cried. "I am going by the same train in the same carriage. Good-bye."

The youth, at this request, removed his garments, and Gíw beheld that mark on his body which was the heritage of the race of Kai-kobád. Upon this discovery he rejoiced, and congratulating himself and the young prince on the success of his mission, related to him the purpose for which he had come. Kai-khosráu was soon mounted on horseback, and Gíw accompanied him respectfully on foot.

"It has not been through the post," he said to the Abbe, who stood respectfully watching his face, which, indeed, inspired little confidence, for the chin receded in the wrong way not like the chin of a shark, which indicates, not foolishness, but greed of gain and the eyes were large and pale like those of a sheep. "Oh, Heaven forbid!" cried the Abbe. "Such a letter as that!

The Commissary planted himself upon a vacant chair with somewhat the air of Cromwell visiting the Rump, and spoke in occasional whispers to the Garde Champetre, who remained respectfully standing at his back. The eyes of both were directed upon Berthelini, who persisted in his statement.

She will meet cordially the friends of her hostess who are introduced to her, however little they attract her; she will cheerfully accompany the family to their church, even though it be of a different faith from her own; and she will listen respectfully to the sermon, and refrain from ungracious criticism of the choir or the minister.

No one was more astonished and dismayed than the Ministers, who had known nothing of the manifesto until they saw it in the official Gazette. In the course of the forenoon they paid their usual weekly visit to Tsarskoe Selo, and respectfully submitted to the Emperor that such a document must have a deplorable effect on public opinion.

'Still, I answered, nettled by the woman's familiarity, 'I think mademoiselle will change her mind when she hears my reasons for going farther. 'Mademoiselle does not wish to hear them, sir, the lady replied herself, and very sharply. 'Nevertheless, I think you had better hear them, I persisted, turning to her respectfully. 'You see, mademoiselle