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But it is not the same hearin' me that it is hearin' me father. Ye've got to see the flash of his eye hear the big sob in his voice, when he spakes of his counthry, to ralely get the full power o' them. I'll do me best for ye, of course." "Ye're English, mebbe?" she asked him suddenly. "I am," said Jerry. He almost felt inclined to apologise. "Well, sure that's not your fault. Ye couldn't help it.

He was still unable to believe it. He wanted to hear her refusal distinctly. "Ralely," replied Peg, gravely. "Is that FINAL?" "It's the most final thing there is in the wurrld," replied Peg, on the brink of an outburst of laughter. Alaric looked so anxious and crestfallen now in sharp contrast to his attitude of triumph a few moments before.

So happy!" she cried, as Jerry led her back to her seat at the conclusion of the last dance. "Sure the whole wurrld seems to be goin' round and round and round in one grand waltz. It's the first time I've been ralely happy since I came here. And it's been through you! Through you! Thank ye, Jerry." "I'm glad it has been through me, Peg," said Jerry quietly.

"An' dere's dat ole broken pot we used, ter tell 'bout de war. But warn't ole Miss hoppin' wen she foun' out you war goin' to de war! I thought she'd go almos' wile. Now, own up, Robby, didn't you feel kine ob mean to go off widout eben biddin' her good bye? An' I ralely think ole Miss war fon' ob yer. Now, own up, honey, didn't yer feel a little down in de mouf wen yer lef' her."

Las' week I had to take some of our pore boys to de hospital, an' she war dere, lookin' sweet an' putty ez an angel, a nussin' dem pore boys, an' ez good to one ez de oder. It looks to me ez ef dey ralely lob'd her shadder. She sits by 'em so patient, an' writes 'em sech nice letters to der frens, an' yit she looks so heart-broke an' pitiful, it jis' gits to me, an' makes me mos' ready to cry.

Hannah and me and the young uns and Sally will awl be so glad to see you and you can role in clover awl day if you like. And now I have ralely no more noose to tell you; only that I rote this letter awl outen my own hed without Hannah helpin of me. Dont you think as Ime improvin? Hannah and the little uns and Sally jine me in luv to you mi deer Ishmael.

But law, Ishmael! ever sense Hannah has been teechin them young uns o ourn to reede there primmers, shes jest got to be the orfullest Bloo Stokkin as evver was. Dont tell her I sed so tho, for she ralely is wun of the finest wimmin livin and Ime prowd of her and her young uns. So no more at present onle kum.

"Something it would be better to say in the daylight, Peg." "Sure, why the daylight? Look at the moon so high in the heavens." "Wait until to-morrow." "I'll not slape a wink thinkin' of all the wondherful things that happened this night. Tell me Jerry yer mother and yer sisters they weren't ashamed o' me, were they?" "Why of course not. They were charmed with you." "Were they? Ralely?"

"We would n't have been a tinker's damn the richer if we had," snarled one of the unwilling conscripts. "I'd rather have a pound of hay than the same weight in cursed state money, for you can feed the hay to a hoss, but I'm consarned if t' other 's good for anythin'." "Say, cap," asked a second, "has you ralely got them saddle-bags o' yourn filled with the stuff?" "Ay.

It would be so helpful if only she could. But she was so unexpected. "I couldn't guess it in a hundred years, Alaric. Ralely, I couldn't." "Oh, TRY! Do. TRY!" he urged. "I couldn't think who'd marry YOU indade I couldn't. Mebbe the poor girl's BLIND. Is THAT it?" "Can't you guess? No? Really?" "NO, I'm tellin' ye. Who is it?" The moment had come. The die was cast.