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But now hell!" Griffith bent over, with a groan. "Gad!" murmured Lord James. After a long pause, he added slowly, "But, I assure you, regarding Miss Leslie, it will never do to tell her. If she hears of this, he will have no chance none! That occurred to me immediately I inferred the deplorable truth. I told her we were thinking of going with you to the bridge Michamac." "You did?

Thomas Blake, C.E., drawn by him for the competition on the then projected Michamac bridge; how you copied said plans and destroyed the originals, and was awarded the construction of said bridge on said copied plans presented by you as of your own device and invention; that you were awarded and did enjoy the office of Resident Engineer of said bridge during a period covering the greater part of the construction thereof, and received the full salary of said office, to and until said Blake took charge of said bridge, which had been imperilled by your incompetence; and said Blake, against your strenuous objections and opposition and at great personal risk, saved said bridge from destruction.

Griffith ordered a hearty meal, more dinner than luncheon, and Blake was able to eat the greater part of a spring chicken. The most trying and critical time during the trip was the short wait at the junction, where they transferred to the old daycoach that was attached to the train of structural steel for the Michamac Bridge.

The heavy, muffled clang of the street door came to her as from a vast distance. The merciful darkness closed over her. The cold snap at Michamac had been broken for nearly a month, and work on the bridge was progressing with unprecedented rapidity. Two days after the ball, Ashton had returned to the bridge sobered and chastened.

I'd have sworn my cantilever was the only one that could span Michamac Strait." "And then to have your plans lost!" put in Griffith with keen sympathy beneath his dry croak. "Hell! That bridge would have landed you at the top of the ladder in one jump." "Losing those plans landed me on a brake-beam, after my worst spree ever," muttered Blake. "Don't wonder," said Griffith.

Here's a list of my favorite clubs. Look me up. I'll steer you to all the gay spots in little old Chi." "Mr. Brice-Ashton is one of our hustling young grain speculators," explained Dolores. "Before he went to Michamac he almost cornered the market in wild oats." "Now, Miss Dodie!" smirked Ashton. "Wait! I'll do your elbowing."

"Can you doubt it?" "She has doubted it." "She may think she does. But it's all due to mamma's knocking and suggesting. Vievie loves him as much as he loves her. Needn't tell me! I know all about it. She made him fail the time you took him up to Michamac. This time it's all mamma's fault. Vievie has got to save him!" "Most assuredly it is hopeless unless she "

"Then up at Michamac you take it straight?" asked Dolores. Ashton forced a nervous laugh. "Keep it up, Dodie! You'll make a wit yet." He bent towards Genevieve. "You'll pardon me, won't you, Genevieve?" The girl raised her fine brows ever so slightly. "'Miss Leslie, if you please." "Of course of course! Just another slip that last cocktail and the sleet. Wet cold always sends it to my head.

What's the use?" "This!" snapped Griffith." Either Laffie Ashton is a dirty sneak thief, or he's a man that deserves my apologies. It's a question of fair play to me as well as to him. You're square, Tom. You'll come up to Michamac with me and settle this matter." "Lord! Why can't you let me alone?" groaned Blake. But he took the sulphonal and washed it down with the quassia-flavored water.

I'm not so sure, though, that Tom will One thing's certain. He won't go up to Michamac right away." "He won't? Why not? It's just the time for him to get the run of things, now while there's no work going on." "He'd catch on quick enough. It's not that. Fact is, he's got hold of something a lot bigger, and I know he'll not quit till he has either won out or it has downed him.