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"Indeed, I would," said Marjorie, enthusiastically. "I brought her photograph to mother how she looked at me when 'marm' slipped out one day. The boys always used to say 'Marm," he said laughing. Marjorie remembered that she had been taught to say "grandmarm," but as she grew older she had softened it to "grandma." "I'll bring you her photograph when I come to-morrow to say good-bye.

"N-o, marm, somehow I couldn't make up my mind to put it in the fire; it was such a pretty face, and so like Miss Richards, and I've been wanting a picture of her ever since she came here, only I thought maybe she'd resent it if I asked her for one; and so I pasted it together as well as I could, and tacked it up in my room," the girl explained, volubly, and concluded by meekly adding: "I hope there was no harm in it, marm."

As Janice came nearer she saw that Marm Parraday did not look as she once did. Her hair had turned very gray, there were deeper lines in her weather-beaten face, and a trembling of her lips and hands made Janice's heart ache. If the Inn was doing well and Lem Parraday was prospering, his wife seemed far from sharing in the good times that appeared to have come to the Lake View Inn.

We must remember, too, that Lisa's care has been worse than nothing for them, notwithstanding its absolute fidelity; and their dependence has been a positive injury to her. There! she has just come into the playground with Edith. Will wonders never cease? Pacific is embracing her knees, and Atlantic allows himself to be hugged! Marm Lisa was indeed beside herself with joy at the meeting.

"It seems kind o' hard that nobody ever believed him, an' we let him die thinkin' he was crazy. That takes holt on me; it does, Marm Lucy, now I tell ye! Seems like's if I'd been punished for not havin' faith, and now I git the reward without havin' deserved it." "As if you could have reward enough!" cried Hildegarde, laying her hand on his affectionately.

You must be an angel, marm, to stand it, an angel without wings. If it were my husband, now I'd know the reason why." "Ay, but I daren't. He'd murder me. He said he would." George laughed gently. "Lord! Lord!" he said, "to see how men play it off upon poor weak women, working on their narves and that like. He kill you!

"Master Thames Ditt what's his blessed name? has honesty written in his handsome phiz; but as to his companion, Jack Sheppard, I think you call him, he's a born and bred thief. Lord bless you marm! we sees plenty on 'em in our purfession. Them young prigs is all alike. I seed he was one, and a sharp un, too, at a glance." "Oh!" exclaimed the widow, covering her face with her hands.

"Bless you! that I will, Mr Dicey," said the good woman, perfectly ready herself to sup off her biscuit and salt butter. She began at once to persuade the young ladies to eat a portion of the delicacies which she had received. She was at length successful. "And now, marm," she added, "just a thimbleful of rum; it will do you good, I'm sure.

And when the stricken soul had fled from her frail body, they who came to prepare her for the grave looked at her face and found it shining with hope. It was thus that poor little Alisa Bennett assumed maternal responsibilities at the age of ten, and gained her sobriquet of 'Marm Lisa. She grew more human, more tractable, under Mr.

"Yes, marm; I have got a list here; but some of 'em had got places already; there was two that was sick; one, Araminty Carpenter, I guess, would have suited Mrs. Taylor very well, for, I know the young woman's father; but she has gone over to Longbridge, to work at the Union Hotel, for a week.