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"Ca s'arrange très-joliment, Monsieur," said the man, grinning from ear to ear, and bowing to the ground. "C'est Madame, que vous voulez donc?" "Oui," said I. He led, I followed; he opened the door of a breakfast parlour "tenez, Madame, voici le Monsieur que m'a renversé hier au soi." Eugenia was seated on a sofa, with her boy by her side, the loveliest little fellow I had ever beheld.

"What has happened?" Strong asked of the chef, in Spanish. "I am Chevalier de Juillet," said the other, slapping his breast, "and he has insulted me." "What has he said to you?" asked Strong. "Il m'a appele Cuisinier," hissed out the little Frenchman. Strong could hardly help laughing. "Come away with me, poor Chevalier," he said. "We must not quarrel before ladies.

With the dirty curtain he had dabbled the tears all over his face until it was streaked with black; and in this guise, and dry-eyed, he gazed for a moment over the fair. Then: "Maman m'a pris mon sou" and he set off again. The backsweep of the wave leaves the beach dry for an instant while the next wave is gathering. Thus sorrow swept in heavy surges over the little childish heart.

Nous parlong de Napolleong, mademoiselle, dong voter pere a ete le General favvory." "O Dieu! que n'ai je pu le voir," interjaculates mademoiselle. "Lui dont parle l'univers, dont mon pere m'a si souvent parle!" but this remark passes quite unnoticed by mademoiselle's friend, who continues: "Clive, donnez-moi voter bras. These are two of my girls. My boys are at school.

It was a much finer day than the Thursday of last week had been, for then it had rained in the afternoon, and since she had been beguiled from home by the treacherous pretence of the day without an umbrella she had had a feather spoiled a feather 'que m'a coûté cinq francs, m'sieu! Paul answered that she was a little angel, and she told him a parcel of nothings which under fair and reasonable conditions would have bored his head off.

We only wish for an equitable treaty, and this I hope we shall manage.... Est-ce qu'on ne vous verra pas durant les vacances? Mistress Ross est passee par Paris il y a huit ou dix jours; elle est venue me voir un instant; elle m'a paru tres bien portante. Bonne sante et bien des amities. July 22nd.

It was Jacques Clément, the murderous monk, a wily Dominican, bent on a mission which had for its object the extinction of the Valois race. While the king was reading a letter which the monk had presented the latter stabbed him deep in the stomach. Swooning, the king had just time to cry out: "Ha! le mechant moine: Il m'a tué, qu'on le tue."

"On m'a dit hier de passer a la caisse ... l'edition etait epuisee, vous voyez il parait, la fortune est venue ... meme a moi."

En effet, je connais par experience I'indiscretion dont la poste francaise a pris la mauvaise habitude sous l'Empire, habitude qu'elle n'a pas perdue sous la Republique. J'ai hate de vous remercier de votre lettre du lr qui m'a vivement interesse.

One more, I must mention, her answer to Guido's insistent, "Cet homme t'a-t-il prise?"... "J'ai dit la vérité.... Il ne m'a pas touchée," sung with dignity, with force, with womanliness, and yet with growing impatience and a touch of sadness. Let me quote Pitts Sanborn: "It is easy to be flippant about Miss Garden's singing.