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"I lose the hundred, that's all," he exclaimed. "But I'll bet another hundred he can't work that trick again!" Hop smiled. "You allee samee watched too muchee," he said. "You bet I would watch." The cards were laid on the table by him, and Hop picked them up in an offhanded way. "Here um nicee lillee tlick," he said, as he ran the cards up his arm in a long string. "Evelybody no do lat, so be."

"Think ye to scare me, my lord?" she asked, with a scornful laugh. "Gang an' scare the stane lion beast at yer ha' door. Haud oot o' the gait, an' lat me gang." "Not until I know what you are going to do," said the marquis, very seriously. "I hae naething mair to transac' wi' yer lordship. You an' me 's strangers, my lord." "Tut! tut! I was but trying you."

They sailed on the eve of All Saints, from the harbour of Natividad, in lat. 20°N. and shaping their course towards the west, they came in sight of the island of St Thomas, which had been before discovered by Hernando de Girijalva; and beyond that, in 17°N, they got sight of another island, which they named La Nebulata or the Cloudy Island; and from thence, they came to another island, which they named Roca Partalia, or the cloven rock.

This post is situated in lat. 59° 28', standing on the east bank of South River, about thirty miles distant from the sea, surrounded by a country that presents as complete a picture of desolation as can be imagined; moss-covered rocks without vegetation and without verdure, constitute the cheerless landscape that greets the eye in every direction.

During the night from the 11th to the 12th of December she was exactly in north lat. 27° 7' and 41° 37' long., west from the Washington meridian. The moon, then in her last quarter, began to show herself above the horizon. After Captain Blomsberry's departure, Lieutenant Bronsfield and a few officers were together on the poop.

"But these appear insignificant when compared with a body of ice reputed to have been passed by twenty-one ships during the months of December, 1854, and January, February, March, and April, 1855, floating in the South Atlantic from Lat 44° S., Long. 28° W., to Lat. 40° S., Long. 20° W. Its elevation in no case exceeded 300 feet.

This is a great drawback to White Nile exploration, as, when near the north side of the equator, the dry season commences in November and closes in February; thus the departure from Khartoum should take place by a steamer in the latter part of September. That would enable the traveller to leave Gondokoro, lat. N. 4 "degrees" 54', shortly before November.

What gared him mak' a hash o' the baptism prayer, and return thanks that there wes a leevin' father, instead o' mither, and gie oot the 103rd Paraphrase? Tak' ma word for't, he 's wishin' by this time that he 'd lat puir Mary alane." It was just above Hillocks' farm that the General overtook Kate, who was still blazing.

No one would have resented it more than Mr. Patrick O'Reilly, whose rank as regards enlightenment and education certainly was not very high. "I say, John," said Dick Roberts, "are you fond of rat pie?" "Lat pie velly good," returned Ki Sing, with a look of appreciation. "Melican man like him?" "Hear the haythen!" said O'Reilly, with an expression of deep disgust.

'Therm. 89° in shade; lat. 11° 40', long. 160° 18' 5". 'September 7, 1862. 'My dear Uncle, I can hardly keep awake for the unusually great heat. The wind is northerly, and it is very light, indeed we are almost becalmed, so you will have a sleepy letter, indeed over my book I was already nodding. What a compliment! But I shall grow more wakeful as I write.