United States or New Caledonia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Yes," said Sara, laughing. "I am quite safe, and I have spent a pleasant time with Kitty Jones, but I am not sorry to leave your big smoky town. Ach y fi! 'tis pity to think so many people live and die there without sight of the sea and the cliffs and the moor. Poor things! poor things!" "Well!

But one might be married to papa and Pavel Andreyitch after all: they have gold watch-chains and nice suits, their boots are always polished; but to marry that dreadful cabman with a red nose and felt boots. . . . Fi! And why is it nurse wants poor Pelageya to be married?" When the visitor had gone out of the kitchen, Pelageya appeared and began clearing away. Her agitation still persisted.

They had given him that nickname on account of his dandified style and small waist, which looked as if he wore stays, of his pale face, on which his budding moustache scarcely showed, and on account of the habit he had acquired of employing the French expression, fi, fi donc, which he pronounced with a slight whistle, when he wished to express his sovereign contempt for persons or things.

Rocque knows, for he is a good saint, and if you believe in him and are true and good, and make your nouvenas with a clean heart, he will grant your wish. "Gimme fi' cents worth o' candy, please."

And I am sure God himself gave me my thoughts. 'Poor little Mimi! I thought, 'fi done! You are going to make a fool of yourself now when it is all over, because why? It is God who manages the world, and not you. You pray to God to help you in your despair, and he has helped you.

"I ken naething aboot trumpets," said Mungo curtly, distinguishing some arrière pensée in the interrogator. "Fi donc! and you so much the old sabreur! Perhaps your people marched to the flageolet a seductive instrument, I assure you." The little man betrayed confusion.

"Yes, I accidentally looked back after we had passed him, and then I saw him." "Looked back!" said the duke; "I wonder he did not turn you into a pillar of salt." "Fi donc!" cried La belle Meronville, tapping his grace playfully on the arm, in order to do which she was forced to lean a little harder upon Clarence's, which she had not yet relinquished "Fi donc! Francois, chez moi!"

"Fi donc, Mademoiselle, tu n'es pas raisonnable," cries a sweet shrill little voice close to him, "tu es vraiment insupportable aujourd'hui."

"Big man in dis country always cut little man's throat, if little man got any ting worth having." "Pleasant," remarked Jack; "I would rather be an English ploughman than a Chinese mandarin." While the midshipmen were talking to Jos, Captain Fi Tan came up, and intimated to the latter that he should expect his prisoners to take an active part in the battle, and to assist in defending the junk.

Only I'm say maybe it's automobile. Cos' me fi' dollar, which is hold-up, you bet. Some day I get even that fi' dollar. That flyin' machine goes into Mexico, that's los' by law. Sal what you call oh!" He snapped his fingers as men do when trying to recall a word. "She cos' me fi' dollar, that word! Jus' minute it's like wreck on ocean, that is left and somebody brings it " "Salvage?"