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A smaller dog from the trinity followed disconcertedly. It too veered in a right curve to the mirage of a refuge on the edge of the road as if it were the mean between two risky states.

The doctor, his hard blue eyes spinning with sardonic humour beneath his black beretta, said that his mission, even as Udal's had been, was to gain some crowns by setting into the learned language letters that should pass between his ambassador and the King's men of France. Udal grinned disconcertedly. 'Be certified in your mind, he said, 'that I am not here a spy or informer of Privy Seal's.

"Where shall I say you were last night?" I asked presently. Mister James scratched his chin disconcertedly. "I hadn't thought of that. Say that I met some of the boys and got mixed up in a little game of poker." "You left your hat on the rack and your cane in the stand. You are supposed to have left the house without any hat." "Hat!"

He set himself to find out, for the man might prove to be a messenger between those two. 'You call at the Temple late, he remarked, with a lumbering show of ease. 'Wish I may die, cried Mr Riderhood, with a hoarse laugh, 'if I warn't a goin' to say the self-same words to you, T'otherest Governor! 'It chanced so with me, said Bradley, looking disconcertedly about him.

Now her eyes wandered disconcertedly from his face; she hesitated an instant with a sudden confusion which seemed quite foreign to her character, then whispered in his ear, "Am I to blame, Charles, for trying to make her worthy of you?" Her son took no notice of the question. He only reiterated sharply, "Let Rose speak."

"Very little. Oh D'Annunzio and some Turgenev and a little Tourgenieff.... That last was a joke, you know." "Oh yes," disconcertedly. "What sorts of plays do you go to, Mr. Wrenn?" "Moving pictures mostly," he said, easily, then bitterly wished he hadn't confessed so low-life a habit.

"I guess you mean well enough, Lablache. But say, ask the child yourself." The other shook his massive head. "I have she has refused." "Then why in thunder do you come to me?" The angry light was again in the rancher's bloodshot eyes. "Why? Because she will marry me if you choose. She can't refuse she dare not." "Then, by God, I'll refuse for her " He paused disconcertedly in his wrath.

It was emaciated Haitians attacking a UN storehouse and a mind loose and spinning of its own accord like a top; and disconcertedly, he argued to himself in an alloy that was both a question and a statement, the encroachment of desire was surely a possibility only when the consciousness approved it with its reluctant nod. "Isn't this so?" he asked the mind which knew nothing but questions.

But the men that worked the guns had to stand exposed and helpless before a fire more galling than their own. They began to drop, and those who were unhurt disconcertedly turned and ran. A couple of officers sprang out of the grass to take charge of the abandoned guns, managing in their flurry to jam them both.

"I can't understand what has happened," quivered Tom Reade, thinking more of the staunch little Mexican than of the loss of the prisoner. "What an idiot I was not to stop to consider that Sambo Ebony could snap those cords!" groaned Tom, staring disconcertedly about him. "Yet, if Nicolas were safe I wouldn't so much mind the escape of the black.