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Howard sent a smile of cynical amusement after him, then stared thoughtfully into the mass of papers on his desk for five, ten, fifteen minutes. When his plan was formed he touched the electric button. "Please tell Mr. King I'd like to see him," he said to the answering boy. Mr. King entered with a bundle of legal documents. "I suppose it's the injunction you want to discuss," he said.

He looked at me one moment in wonder, and another moment in doubt; then turned the matter off with a shake of his head, and the little cynical laugh that was all his own. "You're a nice chap, Bunny! A real desperate character what? Suicide one moment, and any crime I like the next! What you want is a drag, my boy, and you did well to come to a decent law-abiding citizen with a reputation to lose.

'Tell me why he has changed? I asked, faltering with doubt of you, which I never before had felt. 'Indeed, I know not, replied the rector, with his most cynical smile; unless it is because old Mr. Carvel might disinherit a Whig. But I see you doubt my word, Miss Swain. Here is Mr. Carroll, and you may ask him. God forgive me, Richard! I stopped Mr. Carroll, who seemed mightily surprised.

Stevenson considered the genial, witty, gently cynical Sir Arthur one of the most interesting men she had ever met. Lady Pinero always called her husband "Pin," and Sir Arthur was enchanted when, after looking at him with smiling eyes, Mrs. Stevenson one day turned to Lady Pinero and remarked, "I've always doubted that old saying, 'It is a sin to steal a Pin, but now I understand it perfectly."

"But thou shalt never obtain it without sorrows sorrows from strange folk, and yet keener sorrows from thine own kindred." "Hardship and sorrow!" he breaks out again; "not a king but would wish to be without these if he could. But I know that he cannot!" The loneliness which breathes in words like these has often begotten in great rulers a cynical contempt of men and the judgments of men.

It was the first cynical remark that had ever fallen from the girl's lips, but she was learning fast, and Mrs. Halstead recognized the storm signals and withdrew. In the hall, she encountered Willa's maid, a bright-eyed, hard-featured Frenchwoman. "Liane, if Mademoiselle goes out before I return, you know what to do?" "Bien, Madame, pairfectly."

It was a difficult trip back to the valley and Douglas was grateful for this, for it kept Charleton from airing the cynical comments Douglas knew he was evolving in regard to the preacher. And Douglas was filled with a new purposefulness that was almost happiness. He did not want Charleton to obtrude himself upon this new-found content.

He had changed much since the fateful day when he had forced George Fournel to fight him; had grown more silent, and had turned grey. His eyes had become by turns watchful and suspicious, gloomy and abstracted; and his speech knew the same variations; now bitter and cynical, now sad and distant, and all the time his eyes seemed to grow darker and his face paler.

He had a cynical doctrine, to the effect that a woman's first kiss of passion left an ineradicable mark on her, and he was quite certain that Lily had never been so kissed before. Driving through the park he turned to her: "Please forgive me," he said, his mellow voice contrite and supplicating. "You've been so fine about it that you make me ashamed."

Garain, who was not cynical, made no answer. "Garain, do you not yet know," asked Count Martin, "whether with the Premiership you are to take the Seals or the Interior?" Garain replied that his decision would depend on the choice which some one else would make. The presence of that personage in the Cabinet was necessary, and he hesitated between two portfolios.