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Two days in the bath restored them wonderfully, and when the worthy commodore eventually got them back to the hotel he announced that henceforth the lid was on and on tight. Captain Scraggs, who was hard to manage in his cups and the most prodigal of prodigals with steam up to a certain pressure, demurred at this. "No more sky-larkin', Scraggsy, you old cut-up," Mr. Gibney ordered.

"I asked her why she didn't go in and she said she was scared. 'Who you 'fraid of? I asked. 'Oh, I reckon that boy, says she. And honestly her hand trembled when she took hold of my arm and walked to her' father's house with me." Abe snickered as he spread another blanket. "What a cut-up she is! Say, we'll have some fun watching them two I reckon," he said.

He was too astonished at what he saw to find fault, and when, later, he had eaten of grilled cod and boiled clams, seasoned with salt and cut-up bananas, a recipe which Melannie, with her woman's instinct, had invented for the preparation of this delicacy, he was so pleased with his food that he forgot to be ill-tempered. After this surprise visit from Ackbau our privacy was at an end.

"Yuh, I guess Now where's the devil and his wife flew away to with my hat? Them guys is always swiping it. Picture, mister? Why, I didn't see it no more 'n Say you, Pink Eye, say you crab-footed usher, did you swipe my hat? Ain't he the cut-up, mister! Ain't both them ushers the jingling sheepsheads, though! Being cute and hiding my hat in the box-office. Picture?

Fishing for compliments when I ought to be packing your bag! Me, sure, I'm young and handsome and a regular village cut-up and " He could not go on. He sobbed again; and in muttered incoherencies they found each other. As he packed, his brain was curiously clear and swift. He'd have no more wild evenings, he realized. He admitted that he would regret them.

Rose Ransome said, scowling at herself in a hand mirror as she carefully rouged her lips. "Don't you get any silly notions in your head!" "No," Mrs. Tarbury added heavily, as she rocked comfortably to and fro, "no, that ain't Em. Em is a cut-up, all right, and she's a great one for a josh with the boys, but she's as straight as a string! You'll find that she's got some good reason for this!"

"She was in Mortlake's car, you know," said Jimmy again, disjointedly. Sangster nodded. "He'll be shockingly cut-up," said Jimmy again. "I hated the chap; but he was really fond of her." "Yes." Jimmy's cigarette had gone out again, and he relit it absently. "Christine will never believe that it hasn't broken my heart," he said in a queer voice. No answer. "You won't believe it either?" he said.

An awful cut-up country." He finished with a conviction that no one could say a word against the common sense of his argument. Lin was silent, as if impressed. Bill raised a strong, lean, brown hand in a forcible gesture. "We can't ketch Wildfire!" That seemed to him, evidently, a more convincing argument than his comrade's. "Bill is sure right, if I'm wrong, which I ain't," went on the other.

Simmy Gordon, the village cut-up, said hit was a cheap funeral fer Ugly en good riddance. But Simmy was wrong, as usual. The home was sold by fine print hit was bid in by Romine fer about the price of his bill and the costs. Later Romine deeded hit to another, who in turn deeded hit to Logan, who now owns hit, en the yearly income would pay a funeral bill with flowers.

His Chickens did a trick with a wine glass and a half-dollar, and finally succeeded in cutting a gash in his wrist an inch long. Johnny Black, who was rapidly becoming normal, remarked that His Chickens was the village cut-up. I laughed so loud at Johnny's shine joke that the manager of the hotel called me, and the whole tribe got insulted and told the man his place was no good anyhow.