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He did not know his parts near as well as he ought, and he has taken this way to get out of it." "But he promised me he would study them all the morning," said Christine. "Oh, I am so sorry! What shall we do? Our entertainment seems fated to be a failure;" and she spoke in a tone of deep disappointment. "I assure you I feel the deepest sympathy for you," said Mr.

"Lady, dearest," he exclaimed, "what is the matter with you? I have never yet seen you thus!" "Not thus?" said Christine, looking wildly, and with a smile of bitterness, "and why not, it is thus indeed I should ever be! Only you do not know, nor understand me; you will not understand me!" Edmond drew back bewildered; "how shall I interpret these words?" "As you will, or rather as you can."

I don't believe such things; and don't mention it to Mr. Long when he comes. He's not in the family yet, you know. 'O no, it cannot refer to him, said Mrs. Wake musingly. 'Some remote cousin, perhaps, observed Christine, no less willing to humour her than to get rid of a shapeless dread which the incident had caused in her own mind. 'And supper is almost ready, Mrs. Wake?

"She did seem a little upset when she hailed me, or I shouldn't have taken her. I was off home, and I only took her to oblige." The taxi-man ran quickly round to the other side of the cab and entered it by the off-door, behind Christine. Together the men lifted her up. "I can manage her," said G.J. calmly.

Bealand, and turning again to Christine, 'Does your father know of this? 'Is it necessary that I should answer that question, Mr. Bealand? 'I am afraid it is highly necessary. Christine began to look concerned. 'Where is the licence? the rector asked; 'since there have been no banns. Nicholas produced it, Mr.

"What do you build?" "It is a secret," he said. "But you will tell me!" "Why, Christine?" "Because I do so want to know," she urged coaxingly. "And I can keep secrets really. All English people can. Try me!" She thrust forward the little finger of the hand that his arm held. "You must pinch it," she explained, "as hard as you can. And if I don't even squeak you will know I am to be trusted."

"But one can find out where he lives. One can go in search of him. Now that we know that Erik is not a ghost, one can speak to him and force him to answer!" Christine shook her head. "No, no! There is nothing to be done with Erik except to run away!" "Then why, when you were able to run away, did you go back to him?" "Because I had to. And you will understand that when I tell you how I left him."

Christine wished she could transfer to canvas the swift steamer, as she felt it in her soul, powerful as a giant and graceful as a woman; at the mast-head an electric star, red and green lights on either side, long rows of tremulous bulbs of light from numerous portholes; the officers on the bridge with night glass in hand, walking to and fro, dark figures of sailors at the bow and in the crow's nest, all eyes and ears.

"I am not ill now," said Christine suddenly, with strange and unexpected energy. She rose and passed her hand over her eyelids. "Thank you, Doctor. I should like to be alone. Please go away, all of you. Leave me. I feel very restless this evening." The doctor tried to make a short protest, but, perceiving the girl's evident agitation, he thought the best remedy was not to thwart her.

It was a principle of life on the part of Christine that she never allowed any man to bully her; or perhaps, it would be more nearly just to say that she never intended to allow any man to do so until she herself became persuaded that he could, and with this object she always made the process look as difficult and dangerous as possible at the very beginning.

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