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"Indeed, I'm wake enough," she replied, "and very much bate down, Fardorougha; but you know it's not our own stringth at any time that we're to depend upon, but God's. I'm not willing to attempt anything beyant my power at present. My seeing him now would do neither of us any good, and might do me a great dale o' harm.

Most of the men except Gulden drank heavily that night. There had been fresh liquor come with the last pack-train. Many of them were drunk when the game broke up. Red Pearce and Wood remained behind with Kells after the others had gone, and Pearce was clever enough to cheat Kells before he left. "Boss thet there Red double crossed you," said Bate Wood.

"Indians!" he gasped, with an effort that brought a torrent of blood spurting from his mouth; and he added, faintly, "But I've bate 'em, th' divvils, in their hopes of a soorprise!" These triumphant words were the last that Dennis Kearney uttered on earth. As he spoke, a fresh outburst of blood came from his nostrils and mouth, a quiver went over him and then he was dead.

"Tom Kennedy," said one of them, accosting a good-natured young fellow, with a clear, pleasant eye, "how are all your family at Beech Grove? Ould Goodwin and his pretty daughter ought to feel themselves in good spirits after gaining the lawsuit in the case of Mr. Hamilton's will. They bate the Lindsays all to sticks."

I kind o' calc'late 't won't pay to take the cretur's shoes 'n' hide off to-night, 'n' the' won't be much iron on that hose's huffs an haour after daylight, I'll bate ye a quarter." "I'll walk along with you," said Mr. Bernard; "I feel as if I could get along well enough now." So they set off together.

"No, no, we must haste. The king has told us to come quickly," said the former. The answer was, "Nay, for the sake of the King of kings, who is most powerfully to be served, and whose service must bate nothing for worldly cares, we must not haste but feast on this feast," and so he came later, but missed nothing.

"Yes," replied Lloyd. "There's Martin and Bate. Fine fellow, Bate and " "Oh!" broke in Betty, "there's the 'The Don. do wish they would look. They needn't pretend they don't see us, the horrid things." "Of course they see you," answered Lloyd, "but they are engaged in serious business. You surely don't expect to divert their attention from the pursuit of their noble art.

"O Ali," replied he, "thinkest thou to frighten me with such talk? I mean this very day to smite thy neck despite the noses of the Bassorah folk and I care not; let the days do as they please; nor will I turn me to thy counsel but rather to what the poet saith, 'Leave thou the days to breed their ban and bate, * And make thee strong t' upbear the weight of Fate.

The development of the Zoea-brood to the sexually mature animal was traced by Spence Bate in Carcinus maenas. He proved that the metamorphosis is a perfectly gradual one, and that no sharply separated stages of development, like the caterpillar and pupa of the Lepidoptera, could be defined in it. The development of the Palinuridiae seems to be very peculiar.

Kells was sitting at the table and being served by Bate Wood. "Hello, Dandy!" he greeted her, in surprise and pleasure. "This's early for you." Joan returned his greeting and said that she could not sleep all the time. "You're coming round. I'll bet you hold up a stage before a month is out." "Hold up a stage?" echoed Joan. "Sure. It'll be great fun," replied Kells, with a laugh.