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This is shown by what was censured in Carcinus, the return of Amphiaraus from the sanctuary; it would have passed unnoticed, if it had not been actually seen by the audience; but on the stage his play failed, the incongruity of the incident offending the spectators. As far as may be, too, the poet should even act his story with the very gestures of his personages.

Carcineutes, sexual difference of colour in. Carcinus moenas. Cardinalis virginianus. Carduelis elegans, sexual differences of the beak in. Carnivora, marine, polygamous habits of; sexual differences in the colours of. Carp, numerical proportion of the sexes in the. Carr, R., on the peewit. Carrier pigeon, late development of the wattle in the. Carrion beetles, stridulation of.

Bate fighting with a Carcinus maenas, the latter was soon thrown on its back, and had every limb torn from its body. When several males of a Brazilian Gelasimus, a species furnished with immense pincers, were placed together in a glass vessel by Fritz Muller, they mutilated and killed one another. Mr.

First, the least artistic form, which, from poverty of wit, is most commonly employed recognition by signs. Of these some are congenital, such as 'the spear which the earth-born race bear on their bodies, or the stars introduced by Carcinus in his Thyestes.

Of these signs some are congenital, like the 'lance-head which the Earth-born have on them', or 'stars', such as Carcinus brings in in his Thyestes; others acquired after birth these latter being either marks on the body, e.g. scars, or external tokens, like necklaces, or to take another sort of instance, the ark in the Discovery in Tyro.

While they were in Attica the Athenians sent off the hundred ships which they had been preparing round Peloponnese, with a thousand heavy infantry and four hundred archers on board, under the command of Carcinus, son of Xenotimus, Proteas, son of Epicles, and Socrates, son of Antigenes.

Bate put a large male Carcinus maenas into a pan of water, inhabited by a female which was paired with a smaller male; but the latter was soon dispossessed. Mr. Bate adds, "if they fought, the victory was a bloodless one, for I saw no wounds." The female, when thus divorced, soon joined the others.

The need of such a rule is shown by the fault found in Carcinus. Amphiaraus was on his way from the temple. This fact escaped the observation of one who did not see the situation. On the stage, however, the piece failed, the audience being offended at the oversight.

The development of the Zoea-brood to the sexually mature animal was traced by Spence Bate in Carcinus maenas. He proved that the metamorphosis is a perfectly gradual one, and that no sharply separated stages of development, like the caterpillar and pupa of the Lepidoptera, could be defined in it. The development of the Palinuridiae seems to be very peculiar.