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'twas thy brother, And mine that fell beneath my sword; and near As the departed one, the living owns The ties of blood: remember, too, 'tis I That most a sister's pity need for pure His spirit winged its flight, and I am guilty! Weep! I will blend my tears with thine nay, more, I will avenge thy brother; but the lover Weep not for him thy passionate, yearning tears My inmost heart.

He knew how secretly Ralph was suffering all the pangs that can come with hope long deferred; and that each day seemed like an eternity to the boy who was yearning to feel the loving arms of a mother about his neck, a mother whom he had never known. "Certainly; that's only a step out of the way. But be careful as you go, and if you see a brindle pup in a vacant lot run for your life!

The rigid limitation of offspring, in fact, is chiefly advocated by women who run no more risk of having unwilling motherhood forced upon them than so many mummies of the Tenth Dynasty. All their unhealthy interest in such noisome matters has behind it merely a subconscious yearning to attract the attention of men, who are supposed to be partial to enterprises that are difficult or forbidden.

She started violently trembled a little then stood motionless, looking towards him through the door; the tears standing thick in her eyes, the color gone from her cheeks, the yearning pulses of grief and pity beating faster and faster in her heart.

A hungry yearning was in his face as he bent towards it, gazing into it as if he could not look his fill. Suddenly his head went down on his crossed arms in such a hopeless fashion that in a flash Doctor Huntingdon divined the reason, and recognized the resemblance that had haunted him. Now he understood why the boy had stayed behind to nurse him.

As for him he was beyond speech. If he had ever lost his vision of God, his wife's love would that moment have given it back to him. 'Robert, she said presently, urged on by the sacred yearning to heal, to atone, 'I will not complain I will not ask you to wait. I take your word for it that it is best not, that it would do no good. The only hope is in time and prayer.

"I suppose you er feel quite able to forgive poor old Ronnie, now?" he asked. The yearning anguish in Helen's eyes made answer enough. They crossed the hall together; but as they passed down the corridor leading to the studio they stopped simultaneously, and their eyes sought one another in silent surprise and uncertainty.

The events of the evening had stirred him as he had not been stirred since those early days of torment, of undignified oscillation between yearning and despair: and now, at last, love unsteadied for the first time the foundations of his pride; brought home to him the cardinal truth that all the beauty and terror of life spring from the inexorable law of duality that links man and woman, act and consequence, with the same passionless unconcern.

If any one needed a proof of the yearning people felt, let him go to the bookshops, or read in the publishers' lists to-day the announcements of books on religion. There was no supply where there was no demand. Truth might no longer be identified with Tradition, and the day was past when councils and synods might determine it for all mankind.

There was more of this sort in the letter. It was full of a kind of sorrowful yearning, as if there was fear that Margaret's love were slipping away and all the old relations were being broken up, but yet it had in it a certain moral condemnation that the New England spinster could not conceal.