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It was repeated again and again until the Irishman was convinced beyond all possibility of mistake. "What is up now?" he asked of himself as he drew in his line. "That is Mister Harvey's voice sure, and he is calling as though he was in a mighty hurry. Faith, and I must not linger! If anything should happen whin I was away I'd feel wus'n old Boney at Watherloo whin he lost the day an' his crown."

"Strike a light, somebody, and let's see what it is. It tumbled down here by my drum, I believe." There was a general scratching of matches, and after a while the broken candle was set up and relighted. "I swan to man," then said Tucket, "jest look at that jack-of-spades. He got it in the physiognomy wus'n I did.

Wild Jo Calone knew a 'bronk right down to subsoil. "I never seen a white that wasn't soft, nor a chestnut that wasn't nervous, nor a bay that wasn't good if broke right, nor a black that wasn't hard as nails, an' full of the old Harry. All a black bronk wants is claws to be wus'n Daniel's hull outfit of lions."

"But where are the people we saw laughing and talking as she went by?" continued she, with a shudder. "A good many of them will never laugh and talk any more." "Hookie!" shouted Sim, as soon as he comprehended the nature of the disaster. "That's wus'n fallin' in the river." "Get out the sail, Sim!" I added, sharply. "What you want the sail for?" inquired he. "The wind ain't right for it."

The Bishop smiled: "It does look like he loves her," he added, dryly. "If I was the devil an' wanted to ketch a woman I'd write a poem to her every day an' lie between heats. Love lives on lies." "Now, I've ca'culated them things out," said Uncle Davy, "an' it'll be this away: Tilly is as pretty as a peach an' Charlie is gittin' stuck wus'n wus'n every day.

Them preachers war thar bekase they sed hits time fur white uns ter stan tergither. Radicul rule mus be put down." Mrs. Pervis crossed her hands upon the table and looked resigned. "Teck, do tell me what preachers war they?" "Why ef yo own minister wus'n thar hiself I hope er hoppergrass may chaw me." "Teck Pervis, do ye mean ter tell me thet Brother Jonas Melvin wus at thet meetin?"

That very day there came to school the sullen-looking boy whom I had seen in the tobacco patch. I asked him his name and he answered that he had forgotten to bring it with him. "Perhaps," said I, "it would be well to go back and get it." "If you want it wus'n I do I reckon you better go atter it." This set the children to laughing. My humiliation was begun.

"You have rendered me a greater service than you know of, and I must not let you leave yourself out." To hide a note of wistfulness in her voice, she added mischievously, "Must I, Joe?" "Yow could find wus'n' Wheatman o' th' 'Anyards," said Joe, with sturdy precision of praise. "Is he really a hell-hound, Joe, when he's got a sup of beer in him?

"I allow I dread ter see her reely come to. 'T'll be wus'n the fust; she'll hev ter live it all over again!" But Aunt Ri did not know what forces of fortitude had been gathering in Ramona's soul during these last bitter years.

And if yo' cud stay and marry me and civilize me, I'd try to brush up and be a decenter man than I ever war; leastways, I'd clar ev'ry rock and thorn outer yer path. "Do yo' b'lieve it, Jim, I wus perspirin' wus'n ther buckskin stallion did when yo'got thro' with him that fust mornin', and was tremblin' like a sick gal.