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As a diversion, Van Horn, active, energetic and covering every part of his little line at once, ordered an incessant fire centered on the threatened cabin. Nothing seemed to check the regular report of the hidden high-powered rifle and the bullets that were splintering the old oak spokes. When the roaring wagon struck a loose stone or rough spot in its trackless path it wobbled and hesitated.

"Oh, Don," cried Joyce, "what shall we call him?" "I think Bruno is a nice name," said Don. "So do I; we'll call him Bruno," agreed Joyce. "I wonder if he would let me pet him," said Don, gently touching the calf on his small white nose. The little fellow tossed his head and wobbled over to the other side of his mother.

He proceeded to examine her with an expression of growing dissatisfaction. Said he fretfully: "You don't calculate to go out, looking like that?" "Out to the swellest blow-out of the year, popsy," said she. The big heavy looking head wobbled about uneasily. "You look too much like your old pappy's daughter," said he. "I can afford to," replied she. The head shook positively.

In a quarter of an hour the movement began to noticeably slacken. In another three minutes it was quite slow. In two more minutes he grew visible again as a body, and then he wobbled to and fro, and at last dropped in a heap on the floor. He was quite dead, and on his face was an expression of serene beatitude.

Old Shuffler, too, wobbled on, as he had wobbled on as far back as I could recollect, Min told me; and rolled his sound eye, and stared with his glass one, as glassily as then. I heard also that "Dicky Chips" was as frolicsome and light-hearted a bullfinch as when Min first had him, and had learnt several new tricks.

Race fever got me to-day, didn't care for anything but winning, got off to a good start, then took chances, machine wobbled like a board in the surf. Am having some funny kind of chicken creole I guess it is for lunch, writing this in hotel dining room. Later: Passed Aaron Solomons, am now second in the race, landed here just three hours behind Walter MacMonnies.

The railway crossing passed, we began to look for the black-and-white signalling pole. "Here it is," called Wilde with relief, as a 5·9 sped over us towards the railway line. "Come along, Miller," he shouted to the mess-cart driver, fifty yards behind us. The cart creaked and wobbled in the bumpy ditch-crossing that led past the pole.

His wobbly little nose wobbled very fast indeed as it tested the air for the scent of a possible enemy. Very alert was Peter as he waited. For a few minutes he heard nothing and saw nothing. Then, near the outer edge of the thicket, he heard a great rustling of dry leaves. It must have been this that had wakened him. For just an instant Peter was startled, but only for an instant.

On earth I had often seen him call a cab to travel a square he was paying for it now, and his old legs wobbled so that I put my arm about him and half carried him through the balance of those frightful marches. The country began to change at last, and we wound up out of the level plain through mighty mountains of virgin granite.

If the stone had wobbled, or slipped, well it was a case of determined felo-de-se." "May I ask how many more wild adventures you undertook without my knowledge?" "One other, of great magnitude. I fell in love with you." "Nonsense!" she retorted. "I knew that long before you admitted it to yourself." "Date, please?" "Well, to begin at the very beginning, you thought I was nice on board the Sirdar.