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His skin's as pale as a lassie in love. 'In the army, Jock? Don't hinsult 'im. 'E's one of the 'eroes of the 'ome front hindispensibles, they calls 'em. 'Weel, weel, noo, expostulated the Scot, 'dinna tak' ower muckle for granted. We canna a' gang tae the war, or wha wud bide at hame an' mak the whusky?

"Ye see, mem, it's a pairt o' the edication o' the human individual, frae the time o' Adam and Eve doonwith, to learn to refuse the evil and chowse the guid. Noo, my pupil, here, mem, your son, has eaten that dirt and made that chice. It's three weeks, mem, sin ae drop o' whusky has passed his mou." "Whisky!" exclaimed the mother. "Alec! Is it possible?" "Mem, mem!

An' I'll never lat taste o' whusky intil my mou' nor smell o' whusky intil my nose, gin sae be 'at I can help it I sweir 't, O Lord. An' gin I binna raised up again Here his voice trembled and ceased, and silence endured for a short minute. Then he called his wife. 'Come here, Bell. Gie me a kiss, my bonny lass. I hae been an ill man to you. 'Na, na, Sandy.

"After work like this a dram will do you good." "Oo, ay!" remarked one of the shepherds, who had probably began to feel the "good" by that time; "a tram of whusky iss a fery coot thing at all times specially when it is coot whusky!" The laird did not mean this as a taunt, but it was taken as such by the keeper, who came forward quickly, seized the glass, and drained it.

"But there's mair intill 't than that," persisted Malcolm. "I doobt gien there was ony whusky i' thae times aither; for I hard a gentleman say the ither day 'at hoo he had tastit the first whusky 'at was ever distillt in Scotlan', an' horrible stuff it was, he said, though it was 'maist as auld as the forty-five." "Confound your long wind! Go on," said the marquis peremptorily.

"I am no teetotaler," he explained; "but for the life o' me I canna bide beer or whusky." In the early afternoon, when he finished paying off his crew, he hurried to the private office where he had been told his wife was waiting. His eyes were for her first, though the temptation was great to have more than a hurried glimpse of the child in the chair beside her.

The verra next day ma doctor ordered me to tak a little whusky for the pain I tell't ye o'. An' I did; I took it afore he tell't me." "And it did you good, Archie?" I asked indulgently. "Guid?" replied Archie, in a tone of much reproach. Then he said no more, scorning to demonstrate an axiom. But he was not through with the subject. The moral had still to be pointed.

"But it's mair for the fun. I dinna care muckle about whusky an' that kin' o' thing mysel'. It's the fiddles an the dancin' 'at I like." "You have music, then?" "Ay; jist the fiddles an' the pipes." "The bagpipes, do you mean?" "Ay; my gran'father plays them." "But you're not in the Highlands here: how come you to have bagpipes?" "It's a stray bag, an' no more.

"Weel, ae nicht I had come hame worn oot wi' warstlin' to gar bairns eat that had no hunger, I spied upo' the table a bottle o' whusky. A frien' o' mine a grocer he was had sent it across the street to me, for it was hard upo' Hogmanay. I rang the bell incontinent.

Fess the whusky, Fergus, an' gie auld Robert a dram. Haith! gien the watter be rinnin' ower the tap o' yer hoose, man, it was time to flit. Fess twa or three glaisses, Fergus; we hae a' need o' something 'at's no watter. It's perfeckly ridic'lous!"