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"Three hours. Why not go?" A white-clad steward noiselessly approached with her parasol. She took it and smiled at Varney's idle pleasantry. "Thank you, I have too many responsibilities this afternoon. First of all, we have a guest at home. Then I simply must go to Mrs. Thurston's to see about some sewing at five. Last obstacle of all my mamma! What would she think had happened?"

A square envelope lay upon the mat a curious envelope, pale amethyst in colour. Picking it up, I found it to bear my name written simply "Mr. Cavanagh." Tearing it open I glanced at the contents. I threw open the door. No one was visible upon the landing, but when I leaned over the banister a white-clad figure was crossing the hall, below. Without hesitation, hatless, I raced down the stairs.

Following his hostess's instructions, Ralph remained outside, and as Kitty entered the great hall, alone, a white-clad figure suddenly made as though to escape by a further door. "Come back, Penny," called Kitty, a hint of kindly mischief in her voice. "You'll just get half an hour to yourselves before the dressing-bell rings.

No white-clad nurse with palm leaf and cooling drinks attended their unconscious state, although there was one in attendance in the rest-room whose duty it was to look after the comfort of any chance visitors. When any stooped to succor here, she fanned her neighbor with her apron, casting an anxious eye on her own silent machine and knowing she was losing "time."

He called across the parade ground to his white-clad Mussulman butler, who was looking down at him from the bungalow. "Bring that fruit off my table," he said in Hindustani. "Also the little medicine chest and a bowl of water." When the servant had brought them Dermot approached the elephant. "He is suffering and angry. He may do you harm."

"I won't come up now," he said to Jan. "Please tell Mrs. Tancred I'll look in about tea-time." As Jan entered the lift and vanished from his sight, Peter reflected, "So that's the much-talked-of Jan! Well, I'm not surprised Fay wanted her." The lift stopped. An elderly white-clad butler stood salaaming at an open door, and Jan followed him.

Talking, falling into silences touched with the mystery of sun and sea, they confessed youth's excited wonder about the world; Carl sitting cross-legged, rubbing his ankles, a springy figure in blue flannel and a daring tie; while Ruth, in deep-rose linen, her throat bright and bare, lay with her chin in her hands, a flush beneath the gentle brown of her cheeks, her white-clad ankles crossed under her skirt, slender against the gray sand, thoughtful of eye, lost in happiness.

But now of a sudden and as one that dreamed, he beheld a tender face above him with sad-sweet eyes and lips that bent to kiss his brow, felt soft arms about him tender arms that drew his weary head upon a gentle bosom to hide and pillow it there; felt that enfolding embrace tighten and tighten in sudden shuddering spasm, as, sighing, the lady Abbess's white-clad arms fell away and her proud head sank beside his in the dust.

On reeled the black mongrel; crazed by noise and pain. His bleared eyes caught a flash of the Mistress's white dress, on the walk, fifteen feet in front of him and a yard or more to one side. In a frame of mind when every newcomer was a probable tormenter, the mongrel resolved to meet this white-clad foe, head-on.

The visitor thrust his way in, past the white-clad man holding out his arms to detain him. "Not at home, effendim " Dr. Cairn shot out a sinewy hand, grabbed the man he was a tall fellahîn by the shoulder, and sent him spinning across the mosaic floor of the mandarah. The air was heavy with the perfume of ambergris. Wasting no word upon the reeling man, Dr. Cairn stepped to the doorway.