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Quoth the stalwart maid who brought me my porridge and bade me "eat them while they were hot," "Ay, they were a' on the ran-dan last nicht! Hout! they're fine lads, and they'll be nane the waur of it. Forby Farbes's coat: I dinna see wha's to get the creish off that!" she added, with a sigh; in which, identifying Forbes as the torch-bearer, I mentally joined.

And then I wad have put on another gown, and ye wadna have been the waur o' a clean neck-cloth yoursell. But ye delight in surprising and hurrying one. I am sure I am no to baud out for ever against this sort of going on; but when folk's missed, then they are moaned. 'Pshaw, pshaw! deuce take the beef, and the gown, and table, and the neck-cloth! we shall do all very well.

We aye thocht it but to thun'er on the morn; but the morn cam', an' the morn's morning, and it was aye the same uncanny weather; sair on folks and bestial. Of a' that were the waur, nane suffered like Mr.

"We dine at two here, gentlemen, and sup at eight. This is not the Star and Garter," said he as he left us. It was the captain who spoke first, though he swallowed twice before the words came out. "Come, Richard, come, laddie," he said, "'tis no so bad it micht-na be waur. We'll mak the maist o' it."

* A homely proverb, signifying better wed a neighbour than one fetched from a distance. Mixen signifies dunghill. he may gang farther and fare waur but that's a' ane to the sang, 'I'm Madge of the country, I'm Madge of the town, And I'm Madge of the lad I am blithest to own The Lady of Beeve in diamonds may shine, But has not a heart half so lightsome as mine.

"I dare say you'll be none the waur of your tea, Janet, woman," said her mother, and she put aside her wheel, and entered with great zeal into her preparations. Janet strove to have patience with her burden a little longer, and sat still listening to her mother's talk, asking and answering questions on indifferent subjects. There was no pause.

"It gleamed white for one moment, and then vanished." "I wonner ye didna cry oot waur, my leddy," said Malcolm, peering into the darkness. "I was too frightened. It looked so ghastly! not more than a foot from the ground." "Cud it hae been a flash, like, frae yer ain een ?" "No I am sure it was a face." "How much is there of this cursed hole?" asked the marquis; rubbing the top of his head.

"Hear till him now!" said the housekeeper. "It's a shame to hear a douce young lad speak in that way, since a' the warld kens that they maun either marry or do waur." "I beg your pardon, sir, my wants shall be very few; and would you please to give me the gold chain, which the Margrave gave to my father after the battle of Lutzen" "Mercy on us! the gowd chain?" exclaimed his uncle.

"Gien there had been naebody nearer hame to help ye oot o' waur straits, it's waur straits ye wad be in. An' it's waur ye'll be in yet, gien that man gets his wull o' ye!" "He's a fine, honest chiel'! An' for waur straits, Grizzie are na ye at the verra last wi' yer meal?" As he spoke he turned, and, in bodily reference to fact, went to the chest into which he had looked but a few minutes before.

What was waur, he had unluckily not mentioned to any living soul of them his purpose of paying his rent. Ae quean had noticed something under his arm, but she took it for the pipes.