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On the other hand, the General promises that at the first favourable opportunity he will receive you back into his household, and, in the meantime, will credit you with your salary with 'vos appointements. Surely that will suit you, will it not?" "Good heavens!" cried de Griers.

Soon a small boat was over the side and this was manned by the mate, Bossermann, Wingate and a sailor named Ulligan, a fellow noted for his laziness and untrustworthiness. Without delay the small boat set out for the Josephine. "I don't like this at all," said Fred. "Those fellows mean mischief as sure as you are born!" "I dink da vos hatch owid somedings mid dot Merrick," said Hans.

Yesterday I meet old Mac wot I used to meet about the 'alls I vos workin' along o' my boss... at the agent's it vos were I vos lookin' for a shop! The perfesh always makes a splash about its salaries, gentlemen, and Mac 'e vos telling me vot a lot o' monney he make on the Samuel Circuit and 'ow 'e 'ad it at home all ready to put into var savings certif'kits.

Count Vos Engo guards the Prince and the ladies of the household. Alas! it was hunger that we feared the most. To-day we should have resorted to horse's flesh. There was no other way. We knew that relief would come some day. John Tullis was there. We had faith in him and in you. And now it is to-day! This shall be our day, thank God! Nothing can stand before us!"

"This is what I call living!" yelled Tom and diving under, he caught Hans by the big toe. "Hi, hi! let go mine does!" shrieked the German lad. "Somedings has me py der does cotched!" "Maybe it's a shark," suggested Fred. "A shark! Vos der sharks py der Ohio River?" "Tons of them," came from Sam. "Look out, Hansy, or they'll swallow you." "Du meine Zeit!" gasped the German cadet.

Even the rude and unpolished Orations of Cato are a proof of this; as are likewise all our poets, except in particular instances, in which they were obliged to admit a few breaks, to preserve their metre. Thus we find in Naevius, "Vos QUI ACCOLITIS histrum FLUVIUM ATQUE ALGIDUM." And in another place, "Quam nunquam vobis GRAII ATQUE Barbari." But Ennius admits it only once, when he says,

The younger man silently held forth his right arm to the inspection of the other, who fingered the iron rigidity of muscle under the cloth with evident respect. "God of Yacob!" the manager muttered in unconcealed surprise, "it is vonderful, and you such a slender young man to look at. I vos most afraidt you could not do mein vork, but it is all right.

She was dressed in deep mourning, and had a very white face which might once have been beautiful. Now she was like a dissipated Greek statue draped in black. "Faites vos jeux, Messieurs," said one of the six extraordinarily respectable and intelligent-looking men who Mary saw at a glance were employés of the Casino. They were in neat black clothes, with black neckties.

Si on reussiroit dans ce projet, une partie de vos objections pourroient se resoudre.

"Who you vos alretty"? he spluttered, staring in open-mouthed amazement at the party. "You vos all look like der Oldt Boy, ain't it! I guess I go me back to der camp kvick!" and he started to run. Hans did not get far, for a foot send him sprawling, and by the time he was again on his feet four masked cadets had him by the hands and arms, so that he could not get away.