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While Grace Carter was speeding homeward with a heavy heart, out at the VN ranch Constance Brevoort was In a delirium of feverish happiness, and Douglass, thrilled by her passionate abandon, had not yet tired. Upon him she showered all the affection so long repressed; and her fervor and intensity, which awed him not a little, was very flattering to his vanity.

Tienen en tan poco el oro, q dio este rey por vn pretal de cascaueles, tres barchillas de oro en poluo: porq alli todo quanto oro ay es en poluo.

Vous eussiez veu decharger de tous costez des corps a demy pourris, et de tous costez on entendoit vn horrible tintamarre de voix confuses de personnes qui parloient et ne s'entendoient pas." Ibid., 210. For other descriptions of these rites, see Charlevoix, Bressani, Du Creux, and especially Lafitau, in whose work they are illustrated with engravings.

Ne flattez & n'amadoüez personne par belles paroles, car celui qui pretend d'en gagner un autre par les discours emmiellez, fait voir qu'il n'en a pas grande estime, & qu'il le tient pour peu sensé & adroit, dés qu'il le prend pour vn hõme que l'on peut ioüer en cette maniere: n'usez point de gausseries auprés d'vne personne qui s'en offense.

Trumbull, Benjamin. <i>History of Connecticut</i>. Maltby Goldsmith & Co. New Haven, 1818. Boston, 1886. Andrews, Charles M. "The River Towns of Connecticut," in <i>Johns Hopkins University Studies</i>, vn, 1-3, September, 1889. Baltimore, 1889. Love, Wm. De Loss. <i>The Colonial History of Hartford</i>. Hartford, 1914. Love, Wm. De Loss. Hartford, 1899.

Beyond the ditch or canal which opened on the river was a large area, still traceable, in the form of an irregular triangle, surrounded by a ditch, and apparently by palisades. "Nous leur auons dresse vn Hospice ou Cabane d'ecorce." No doubt the buildings of Sainte Marie were of the roughest, rude walls of boards, windows without glass, vast chimneys of unhewn stone.

It was arranged that the transfer of the VN interests should be made at the last day of the year. The weather was still open and the days very delightful, and Brevoort evincing a lively interest in Douglass's mining venture, his wife proposed a junket over to the claims on the head of the Roaring Fork, something less than forty miles away as the crow flies.

Chapter vii. 22. Ne faites pas aisément dessein de redire aux autres les nouuelles & les rapports qui auront couru touchant les rencontres des affaires, si vous n'auez vn garant de leur verité. Et ne vous amusez pas en racontant ces vau-de-villes, d'en citer l'Autheur, que vous ne soyez bien asseuré qu'il ne le trouuera pas mauuais. Gardez tousiours bien le secret qui vous a esté confié & ne le ditez

There are more than twenty thousand dollars' worth of cattle in the VN brand without counting the ranch lands, which are worth nearly as much more. I think the Vaughans are loco to sell at the price!" They had just finished luncheon and were lounging about a little spring enjoying their post-prandial pipes. Mrs.

When you deliver a matter do it without Passion & with Discretion, however mean y'e Person be you do it too Chapter vii. 27. Quand vous faites vne ambassade, vn rapport, ou donnez l'ouuerture de quelque affaire, taschez de le faire sans passion & auec discretion, soit que vous ayez