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Updated: August 28, 2024

Ile not so dishonour My father, nor my ancestours before me, Nor my posterity with such an earthquake To shake our noble house. Mac. Give him the Law then. Man. Ile meete a thousand deaths first. Hen. Plucke, & plucke home, for he's a murtherous Villaine. Man. Thou worse, a divell. Mac. Racke him! Man. Oh stay! for heavens sake spread your mercy! I doe confesse the murther; I killd my father.

Cosin to certify to a marriage. How true this is, God knows; but I believe the Duke of York will not be fooled in this of three crowns. These things speak great fear and jealousys. Here we staid some time, thinking to stay out the play before the King to-night, but it being "The Villaine," and my wife not being there, I had no mind.

And our masters mate hauing a Geneua Bible in his hand, there came the kings chiefe gunner, and tooke it out from him, who shewed me of it, and I hauing the language, went presently to the kings treasurer, and tolde him of it, saying, that sith it was the will of God that we should fall into their handes, yet that they should grant us to vse our consciences to our owne discretion, as they suffered the Spaniards and other nations to vse theirs, and he graunted vs: then I told him that the maister gunner had taken away a Bible from one of our men: the Treasurer went presently and commaunded him to deliuer vp the Bible againe, which he did: and within a litle after he tooke it from the man againe, and I shewed the Treasurer of it, and presently he commaunded him to deliuer it againe: saying, thou villaine, wilt thou turne to Christianitie againe? for he was a Renegado, which is one that first was a Christian, and afterwards becommeth a Turke, and so he deliuered me the Bible the second time.

Hater home with me to dinner, and instantly back again to write what letters I had to write, that I might go abroad with my wife, who was not well, only to jumble her, and so to the Duke of York's playhouse; but there Betterton not being yet well, we would not stay, though since I hear that Smith do act his part in "The Villaine," which was then acted, as well or better than he, which I do not believe; but to Charing Cross, there to see Polichinelli.

How defacd her? Man. Hearke, sir: playd Tarquin's part and ravisht her. Hen. 'Tis a lye. Man. I hope so too. Hen. What villaine speakes it? Man. One with so wide a throat, that uttering it 'Twas heard in France; a letter, sir, informed My father so. Hen. Letter? from whom? Man. A woman. Hen. She's a whore. Man. Twas Eleonora. Hen.

And by and by up to the Duke, who was making himself ready; and there young Killigrew did so commend "The Villaine," a new play made by Tom Porter, and acted only on Saturday at the Duke's house, as if there never had been any such play come upon the stage. The same yesterday was told me by Captn. Ferrers; and this morning afterwards by Dr. Clarke, who saw it.

My Lord, his Highnes putts into your hand A sword of Justice: draw it forth, I charge you By the oath made to your king, to smite this Traytour, The murtherer of my father! Man. Hen. Yes, thou: Thou, slave, hast bene his Executioner. Man. Where? when? Hen. There, there; in France. Man. Oh heavenly powers! Hen. Oh, intollerable villaine! parricide! Monster of mankind! Spaniards shame! Fer.

And to show the numbers of the concealed forces, he continues: "There are in existence lists which enable one to understand the powerful organisation of that vast peasant rebellion. In Isle-et- Villaine, in the forest of Pertre, not a human trace was to be found, yet there were collected 6000 men under Focard. In the forest of Meullac, in Morhiban, not a soul was to be seen, yet it held 8000 men.

Meantime, Madame Duval called out to M. Du Bois, "Eh, laissez-le, mon ami, ne le corrigez pas; c'est une villaine bete qui n'en vaut pas la peine." "Monsieur le Capitaine," cried M. Du Bois, "voulez-vous bien ne demander pardon?"

"I do not like money dealers." "But, Emilie," replied the Baron de Villaine, the husband of the Count's second daughter, "you do not like lawyers either; so that if you refuse men of wealth who have not titles, I do not quite see in what class you are to choose a husband." "Especially, Emilie, with your standard of slimness," added the Lieutenant-General.

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