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Updated: September 13, 2024

I heard her tell the driver Charing Cross and to look sharp." Tommy stared at him, his eyes opening wide in surprise. Emboldened, the small boy proceeded. "So I thought, having asked for an A.B.C. and a Bradshaw." Tommy interrupted him: "When did she ask for an A.B.C. and a Bradshaw?" "When I took her the telegram, sir." "A telegram?" "Yes, sir." "When was that?" "About half-past twelve, sir."

On the journey from Dover to Charing Cross Drake asked whether Mrs. Willoughby was in town. He was informed that at the moment she was visiting in Scotland, but she was expected to pass through London at the end of a fortnight.

"Carn't yer understand," retorted the conductor, equally indignant; "of course I say Sharing Cross I mean Charing Cross, but that don't mean that it is Charing Cross.

In a word, he went out and ate ices at a pastry-cook's shop in Charing Cross; tried a new coat in Pall Mall; dropped in at the Old Slaughters', and called for Captain Cannon; played eleven games at billiards with the Captain, of which he won eight, and returned to Russell Square half an hour late for dinner, but in very good humour. It was not so with old Mr. Osborne.

The bow-and-string bridge has since been largely employed in spanning wide spaces over which suburban and other railways pass, and in roofing over such stations as those at Birmingham, Charing Cross, and other Great Metropolitan centres, as well as in bow-and-string bridges over rivers. Another of his inventions was the method of riveting by compression instead of by blows of the hammer.

Up, and to the office, and at noon home to dinner, and then with my wife and Barker by coach, and left them at Charing Cross, and I to St. James's, and there found Sir W. Coventry alone in his chamber, and sat and talked with him more than I have done a great while of several things of the Navy, how our debts and wants do unfit us for doing any thing.

He rose, found his way into Charing Cross Station Hotel, and obtained a copy of "Who's Who" from the hotel clerk. He turned the pages till he found the R's. Here was his man. Baron Coningsby of Wilton, ex Lieut. Rifle Brigade, m. Teresa, 2d daughter of Sir Peter Mason Bart. 9 v. Educ. Heidelberg. Owns about 21,000 acres. Address 10A, Carlton House Terrace. Rochester Court, Rochester.

The Strand, with its unceasing life, came to him as something almost unfamiliar. Since his identification with the new life no business had drawn him east of Charing Cross, and his first sight of the narrower stream of traffic struck him as garish and unpleasant.

It will be said that this was not the country proper, nor was it, for London has annexed every place within fifty miles of Charing Cross. But in the country proper a new difficulty met me: not only were there no empty cottages, but landowners stuck to their acres with such jealous obstinacy that they refused to sell a rood of land for a cottage on any terms whatever.

The journey down from town had been as satisfactorily rapid as even Jim Airth could desire. He had caught the train at Charing Cross by five seconds. The hour's run passed quickly in glowing anticipation of that which was being brought nearer by every turn of the wheels. Myra's telegram was drawn from his pocket-book many times. Each word seemed fraught with tender meaning, "Come to me at once."

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