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Updated: August 29, 2024

En France au contraire, ou il y a une Academie Francaise ... on doit trouver qu'un tel style est une tres-grande nouveaute et le succes qu'il a obtenu un evenement: il a fallu bien des circonstances pour y preparer." No doubt the preparatory circumstance in Amiel's case has been just that Germanization of the French mind on which M. Taine and M. Bourget dwell with so much emphasis.

The Gascon troubadour Cercamon is said to have composed pastorals in "the old style." But in general, between troubadour poetry and the popular poetry of folk-lore, a great gulf is fixed, the gulf of artificiality. The very name "troubadour" points to this characteristic. Trobador is the oblique case of the nominative trobaire, a substantive from the verb trobar, in modern French trouver.

And yet I remember, that, though sa roe etait blanche, et son costume etait tres pittoresque, it was sans s'e carter cependant assez des usages recus pour que l'on put y trouver de l'affectation; and I suppose, if one should now suddenly collapse from conventional rotundity to antique statuesqueness, the great "on" would very readily "y trouver de l'affectation."

The woman looked her over again with a softened glance, touched, perhaps, by the tremor that shook her visitor's voice. "Mademoiselle est souffrante?" "Non, madame, pas trop, ce n'est pas ça mais il y a quelqu'un qui est en danger quelqu'un qu'il faut prévenir. Si je peux trouver un taxi " "Gaston! Vite! Cherche un taxi pour mademoiselle. Va!"

"Chayue ceuvre a faire a sa poetique en soi, qu'il faut trouver." The same thing is asserted by literary critics to have been the cause of the repetition of subjects in Greek tragedy, and to have resulted in the infinite niceties of their forms, which are never the same and never radically new.

She replied, like a child who had only played about the room, that she was toute honteuse not to be able to tell him the original: she had forgotten, she had never asked "Vous allez me trouver bien légère!" She appealed to the other persons present, who formed a gallery for her, and laughed in delightful ripples at their suggestions, which she covered with ridicule.

Je desirerois vivement les y trouver; mais en attendant je souhaite avec ardeur avoir ici le plus promptement possible l'homme de loi, ou seulement en etat de donner de bons conseils que je demande. Je renouvelle toutes mes excuses de tant d'importunites."

"Chaque oeuvre a faire a sa poetique en soi, qu'il faut trouver," said Flaubert. Truth in a work of art is sincerity. That a man says what he really means shows us what he really thinks to be beautiful is all that reason bids us ask for. No science or painstaking can make up for his not doing this.

"Countries of which our fathers merely read, are getting to be as familiar as our own homes to their sons; and, with you, one can hardly foresee to what a pass of adventure the generation or two that will follow us may not reach." "Vraiment, c'est fort extraordinaire de se trouver sur un lac Americain," exclaimed Mademoiselle Viefville.

J'ai su que le mois de janvier avait ete mauvais, et quoique j'eusse bien des fois l'envie de prendre la plume, elle m'est tombee des mains lorsque j'ai reflechi que j'ignorais malheureusement dans quel etat de corps et d'esprit ma lettre pourrait vous trouver. Pendant tout l'hiver j'ai recu par lettre et de bouche une infinite de demandes sur votre etat.

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