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Having done what we had to do there, my Lord carried me and set me down at the New Exchange, where I staid at Pottle's shop till Betty Michell come, which she did about five o'clock, and was surprised not to 'trouver my muger' I there; but I did make an excuse good enough, and so I took 'elle' down, and over the water to the cabinet-maker's, and there bought a dressing-box for her for 20s., but would require an hour's time to make fit.

It is, at bottom, the same thought as is present in the very well-turned sentence from Chamfort: Le bonheur n'est pas chose aisée: il est très difficile de le trouver en nous, et impossible de le trouver ailleurs. Eth.

In the commissions granted to Champlain, on the 15th October, 1612, and 15th February, 1625, the same objects are adverted to: "pour essayer de trouver le chemin faite pour aller par de dans le dit pays au pays de la Chine et Indes Orientales." Passing over the exploration of what is now the Coast of the United States, by Verrazzano, I come to the discovery of Gaspé Basin and the River St.

Dumas was certainly not thinking of himself, but of Planchet, when he put into the mouth of d'Artagnan's old servant this excellent profession: "Monsieur, j'étais une de ces bonnes pâtes d'hommes que Dieu a faits pour s'animer pendant un certain temps et pour trouver bonnes toutes choses qui accompagnent leur séjour sur la terre."

The Hartwell Journal du Siége says: "II fut décidé qu'on ne laisseroit dans la place que 1,200 hommes, et que tout le reste marcheroit au camp, l'on comptoit se trouver plus de 15,000 hommes, y compris les sauvages."

"Et la pauvre ame!" cried the Frenchwoman at last, not caring what she said to this amazing daughter-in-law, "elle est la toujours, quand les douleurs s'apaisent un peu, ecoutant, esperant et personne ne vient personne! Voulez-vous bien, madame, me dire ou on peut trouver Sir George?" "Poste Restante, Trouville," said Letty, sullenly. "It is the only address that I know of."

"We left London before your book arrived, but I sent for it, and Mrs. Lewes has been reading it aloud to me the last few evenings. It has charmed us both, and we regret that so good a scheme, so well carried out, should in the nature of the case be one doomed to meet with small public response. No reader worth having can read it without interest and profit, but il s'agit de trouver des lecteurs.

According to one account, he could "jamais trouver merci, ni obtenir aucun bien en droit d'amour," from the object of his passion, and, in disgust, he turned to make love to Laura de S. Jorlan, sister of Berald des Baux.

I am sure that you yourself, when you consider more impartially what you have said, will be induced to believe, according to these lines of Du Bellay: "C'est chercher Rome en Rome, Et rien de Rome en Rome ne trouver."

Burton sur mon Histoire de France que je viens de trouver dans le numero 285 de 'l'Edinburgh Review. C'est excellent; il est impossible de serrer de plus pres les diverses parties de mon ouvrage en les analysant d'une maniere plus claire et plus frappante. Les liens de l'histoire de France avec l'Etat, la Couronne, l'Eglise et les moeurs publiques y sont resumes dans toute leur verite.