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Please see your No. 10,475, code, and my No. M.F. 285, instructing me to do this. These telegrams are practically identical when they leave here, and are intended to be used as a communique and to be published. Instead of this I find a mutilated and misleading Cairo telegram reproduced in London Press in place of the true version I sent to the Secretary of State for War."

On that Sunday evening she conceived a great idea. She had deprived Mr. Rickman of a small opportunity; she would give him a large one. Restitution was to be on a noble scale. Lucia had a small sum left to her by her grandfather, and even when Mr. Rickman was paid for his four weeks' work on the catalogue that sum would only be reduced to £285. On the strength of it she now proposed to offer Mr.

Carinus, the other son of Carus, who had remained in Italy, having collected a force to attack Diocletian, the two armies met at Margum, in Moesia, where the soldiers of Carinus had the advantage at first, but Carinus himself being killed during the battle by his officers, who detested him for his cruelty and debauchery, both armies joined in acknowledging Diocletian emperor in 285.

The public expenditures during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1859, amounted to $83,751,511.57. Of this sum $17,405,285.44 were applied to the payment of interest on the public debt and the redemption of the issues of Treasury notes. The expenditures for all other branches of the public service during that fiscal year were therefore $66,346,226.13.

See, however, M. Martin's New South Wales, pp. 151-2, and the instance of Gome Boak, in Collins' History of New South Wales, p. 285; and Sturt's Expeditions in Australia, vol. ii. p. 222. Nay, our fellow-countrymen in the Australian colonies, can, by no means, endure a strict trial, even by their own rule of right.

In the week ending the 3rd of October, there were 20,000 persons employed on the public works in Ireland; in the week ending the 31st of the same month, there were over 114,000. In the very next week, the first week of November, there were 162,000 on the works; and in the week ending the 28th of November, the returns give the number as something over 285,000!

Petitions with 20,000 signatures were presented. Ibid., p. 285. Aug. 25, 1867, Alma Lutz Collection. History of Woman Suffrage, II, p. 287. Ibid., pp. 234-235, 239. Ibid., p. 252. A famous family of singers who enlivened woman's rights, antislavery, and temperance meetings with their songs. July 9, 1867, Anthony Papers, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kansas. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 284.

Western Annals, p. 147. American Pioneer, vol. i., p. 7, et seq. Bancroft, vol. iii., p. 254. Bancroft, vol. iii., p. 285. "The God of the savage was what the metaphysician endeavors to express by the word substance." But the Indian's idea of substance was altogether concrete.

His reign, and that of his brother Numerian, was however short, and a still greater man than any who had mounted the throne of the Caesars since Augustus, took the helm at the most critical period of Roman history, A.D. 285.

The value of foreign merchandise imported during the last fiscal year was $207,240,101, and the value of domestic productions exported was $149,861,911, besides $17,204,026 of foreign merchandise exported, making the aggregate of the entire exports $167,065,937. Exclusive of the above, there was exported $42,507,285 in specie, and imported from foreign ports $5,262,643.

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