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Updated: August 14, 2024

His natural ferocity was stimulated by his unpleasant discovery, and he shook his fist menacingly at Robert, from whom he had received the wound. "There's a reckoning coming betwixt you and me, young one!" he cried, "and it'll be a heavy one. Ben Haley don't forget that sort of debt. The time'll come when he'll pay it back with interest.

There was a shade of challenge in the voice such as might have come from the lips of a Carmen, and the man's pulses quickened. Almost every day after that found Bas Rowlett at the house and the evenings found him pondering his fancied progress with a razor-edged zest of self-complacency. "She'll hold out fer a spell," he told himself with large optimism. "But ther time'll come.

The time'll come for it and then, you cats!" Wilfrid inquired how long this state of things had been going on. Jenna replied that they appeared to be in the middle of it; nearly a week. Another week, and their day would arrive; and then! "Have you heard anything of a Count Ammiani here?" said Wilfrid. "Oh! he's one of the lot, I believe. We have him fast, as we'll have the bundle of them.

I fit my way up to the city of Mexico long er old Scott, and I've heard boys crow afore today." "Look here, old un! If you mean to call me a coward, why don't you say so, right up and down?" growled Ben. "Time'll tell, my boy. You don't know what gunpowder smells like yet. If you'd been with the fust Pennsylvany, where I was, you'd a-known sunthin about war.

Thought I wuz a-comin to the p'int, maybe. Well, nex' time'll do. Haw! haw! Young things is cur'us now, to be shore. Mout's well be a gittin' on, I reckon. Gin her time to come round, I 'low." With such wooing, renewed from time to time, the clumsy and complacent Dave whiled away his days, and comforted himself that he had the persimmon-tree all to himself, as he expressed it.

We're hoping time'll mellow him time and the prospect of being took out and swung from the nearest limb speaking literary, not by nature, as you know trees is as scarce about here as Brick Willock himself." Wilfred insisted on an immediate visit to Bill. "Brick declared he wouldn't tell Bill his hiding-place," he said, "for he didn't want to get him into trouble.

'Meanwhile they may manage to give a child or two a rough passage. They've got pluck enough for that, the blighters, haven't they? He turned away from me with a sort of a sob. 'The time'll come sure enough, but it's their time now, and they know it, he said. 'God pity her! Inhabiting this country you inhabit the Middle Ages, you dwell in the wild Marchlands without the pale of Christendom.

"Ye see, Alec," he resumed in a low voice, when they were in the open air Curly going on before them, "it's time 'at ye was growin' a man, and pittin' awa' childish things. Yer mither 'll be depen'in' upo' you, or lang, to haud things gaein'; and ye ken gin ye negleck yer chance at the school, yer time'll no come ower again. Man, ye sud try to do something for conscience-sake.

"I don't know's my time'll come for some years yet," she said at length, falteringly, "but I have had it borne in upon my mind a good many ways this summer that I ain't going to stay here a gre't while. I've been troubled considerable by the same complaints that carried my mother off, and I'm built just like her.

Rod went on, with a kind of shamefaced mingling of jest and earnest: "You stick by me, Susie, old girl, and the time'll come when I'll be able to give you more than Brent." "I hope so," said Susan. He eyed her sharply. "I feel like a fool believing such a fairy story as you've been telling me. Yet I do." "That's good," laughed she. "Now I can stay. If you hadn't believed me, I'd have had to go.

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