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If she weren't I'd be scared for our proposition here. She must get time. They both must, and the less they see of me, why, it's all to the good. Time'll do most things for women for us all, I guess. Then, maybe things'll settle down later." And the priest's reply was characteristic.

There, shake hands; and as we're to be all fellow-voyagers, let us all be friends." But Jacob drew back. "No, mayster; I'll not grip the hand of any man, if my heart cannot go with it. Time'll show. By your leave, I'll go and get the dog-cart ready; for I suppose you'll be going back to Adelaide directly?"

But I'm hoping the time will come when we can climb up back of our machine guns again, and do our bit to show that the little old U. S. A. is still on the map." "I guess that time'll soon come, Tom, old man. I heard rumors that a lot of us were to be sent up nearer the front shortly, and if they don't include you and me, there'll be something doing in this camp!" "That's what I say.

He turned swiftly: "You can; I'll take you." She shrank back. "Oh, no! I didn't mean that I meant some time " His face darkened. "In a sleeping car, I reckon. That time'll never come." Then a silence fell on them. Harold knew that his plans could not be carried out with a woman for companion and he had sense enough to know that Mary's words were born of a momentary enthusiasm.

Come ter ther bank termorrer at openin' time and I'll pay ye off." The mountaineer's face fell into a scowl of resentment. To be rebuffed was galling enough. To be relegated to a servile status was unendurable, yet he refashioned his expression at once into a smile. "Thar hain't no tormentin' haste, Alexander," he assured her evenly. "Any time'll do any time at all, but I'm leavin' town ternight."

So ugly the time'll come you can't stand for 'em any more than you can stand for the dozy life around here now. Those folk you see in your dandy picture are wage slaves worshiping the gods of this darned wilderness just as we are right here.

Anyhow, they've probably covered their tracks so well that we'll never be able to connect them with it." "Oh, I don't know. You can't always tell what time'll bring to light." Trowbridge lowered his voice. "What's your idea about Santry? Do you want help there?" "No." Wade spoke with equal caution. "I believe I can manage all right alone.

"All right, then," once more the hypocritical mask of dissimulation fell away and the swarthy face showed black with the savagery of frustration. "Ef ye won't hev hit no other way, go on disgustin' me but I warns ye thet ye kain't hold out erginst me. Ther time'll come when ye won't kick an' fly inter tantrums erginst my kisses ... ye'll plum welcome 'em."

And yet she must be a clean, fast vessel, but we'll overhaul her going roomer or on a bowline." "Roomer? Speak plain, Godby, I'm no mariner!" "Time'll teach ye, pal!

"How long will it be before the train starts?" inquired the fugitive in a low voice. The guard looked at his big silver watch and answered: "Time'll be up in three minutes, Miss." "But if the the wedding party should not arrive before that?" hesitatingly inquired Salome. "Train starts all the same, Miss! Can't even wait for dukes and duchesses.