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Such was the compelling effect of Thelma's stainless mind reflected in her pure face, on the different dispositions of all the young men; and she, perfectly unconscious of it, smiled at them, and conversed gaily, little knowing as she talked, in her own sweet and unaffected way, that the most profound resolutions were being formed, and the most noble and unselfish deeds, were being planned in the souls of her listeners, all forsooth! because one fair, innocent woman had, in the clear, grave glances of her wondrous sea-blue eyes, suddenly made them aware of their own utter unworthiness.

"And I shall see my father no more, for he has gone and I am all all alone in the world!" She paused then added, "Do you think I am dying? If so, I am very glad!" "Hush my dear!" said Ulrika. "You mustn't talk in that way. Your husband is coming presently " she broke off suddenly, startled at the look of utter despair in Thelma's eyes. "You are wrong," she replied wearily.

Errington and Lorimer leaned on the deck-rails, waving their hats and watching them disappear over the gleaming water, till the very last glimpse of Thelma's crimson hood had vanished, and then they turned to rejoin their companions, who were strolling up and down smoking. "Belle comme un ange!" said Duprez briefly. "In short, I doubt if the angels are so good-looking!"

The tears were in Thelma's eyes too, and she hastened to put her arm round Britta's waist, and tried to soothe her by every loving word she could think of. "Hush, Britta dear! you must not cry," she said tenderly. "What did Philip say?" "He said," jerked out Britta convulsively, "that I was a g-good little g-girl, and that he was g-glad I wanted to g-go!"

Thelma saw it, standing under her house-porch, where her father had joined her, Sigurd saw it, he had come out from some thicket where he had been hiding, and he now sat, in a humble, crouching posture at Thelma's feet. All three were silent, reverently watching the spreading splendor of the heavens. Once Gueldmar addressed his daughter in a soft tone. "Thou are happy, my bird?"

Then he began to think of the shell-cave where that other Thelma lay hidden in her last deep sleep, the wailing words of Sigurd came freshly back to his ears, when the poor crazed lad had likened Thelma's thoughts to his favorite flowers, the pansies "One by one you will gather and play with her thoughts as though they were these blossoms; your burning hand will mar their color they will wither and furl up and die, and you what will you care?

He caught sight of his own reflection in a round mirror over the mantel-piece, and his face darkened as he saw a dull red ridge across his forehead the mark of Thelma's well-directed blow, the sign-manual of her scorn. A few minutes passed, and then there came in to him a large man in an expensive dress-suit, a man with a puffy, red, Silenus-like countenance no other than Mr.

He knew what the effect of Thelma's entrance would be and he smiled as he thought of it. He was waiting for her now, he himself was ready in full evening dress and remarkably handsome he looked. He walked up and down restlessly for a minute or so, then taking up a volume of Keats, he threw himself into an easy chair and soon became absorbed.

I have principally sought to amuse and interest myself all through it. I've had my vices to, and have them still. Beside Thelma's innocent white soul, mine looks villainous! But I can honestly say I never knew what love was till I saw her, and now well! I would give my life away gladly to save her from even a small sorrow." "I believe you I thoroughly believe you!" said Gueldmar.

Lord Winsleigh advances rather eagerly there is a charm in the exquisite nobility of Thelma's face that touches his heart and appeals to the chivalrous and poetical part of his nature. "Sir Philip and I have known each other for some years," he says, pressing her little fair hand cordially.