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Updated: August 17, 2024

"What are these for?" I thought. "They would be convenient for hanging if they were three feet higher. Perhaps they are placed there to tantalise desperate unfortunates who might be disposed to terminate their misery and wish the world an eternal 'Good Night!"

"To no one?" "Except you." "Well?" "Well, Madame Rapally I hope I don't understand you; it's not possible; you would not humiliate me. Come, come, it's a riddle, and I am too stupid to solve it. I give it up. Don't tantalise me any longer; tell me the name."

The square advances slowly and painfully over the stony ground, with frequent jerky halts to preserve order and to pick up the wounded. Little puffs of white smoke dot the distant sandhills. Here and there a gaudy flag waves defiantly. In front the green tops of the palm-trees by the Nile tantalise but stimulate the soldiers. On the left the great mud labyrinth of Metemma stretches indefinitely.

"From the 'spring meetings. They bet tremendously." "Well, they bet enough at Chalk Farm, if that's all." "It isn't all. It isn't a millionth part!" she replied with some sharpness. "It's immense fun" she had to tantalise him. Then as she had heard Mrs. Jordan say, and as the ladies at Cocker's even sometimes wired, "It's quite too dreadful!" She could fully feel how it was Mr.

Or didn't John Tulse go out? Did he name the place in loyalty to us? 'Not John Tulse, but one who told Herbert that his happiest days were spent here. 'Adela, you mean something. Don't tantalise me. Is it Fred Alder? And was he kind to the boy for old sake's sake, because he bore the old name? Did he think he was your Mike? Bertha was leaning forward now, devouring Adela with her eyes.

On she came; I could see that she was a ship, a large ship, a man-of-war by her square yards. She must have sighted the island, and I thought that she would approach to survey it more carefully, when suddenly perhaps some reef unknown to me intervened she turned aside, and after hovering in the distance to tantalise me the more, she slowly stood away to the northward.

Betty came and sat on the arm of her aunt's chair. "It's not fair to tease me," she said, "and tantalise me. You know how mizzy I am." "No. I don't know anything. You won't tell me anything. Go and get " "Dear, darling, pretty, kind, clever Aunt," cried Betty, "I'd give my ears to go." "Then borrow a large knife from cook, and sharpen it on the front door-step!

With joy La Pommeraye had sighted once more the rocky point of land upon the horizon. But a keen pang of disappointment seized him when he looked in vain for the signal which had told him there was yet life on the island. Could they have perished in the storm? Could his approach, when they were on the verge of the grave, have served only to tantalise them, and make the end the harder?

The boatswain, however, made up for the leniency of his superior by a little ingenuity of his own; and every day, when Salvé was enjoying his meagre fare in his place of confinement, the mulatto, whom he had triumphed over, by the boatswain's orders, took his dinner of hot meat and ate it outside the door, close to the hole through which the light was admitted, that the savoury smell might make its way in and tantalise him.

But Maggie felt too sure of Frank to resist the temptation to tantalise him; besides her moods were naturally various, and the first relapse into her former coldness was answered by a sudden reversion to threats of murder and suicide, and one summer evening about six o'clock, when Mrs. Horlock took her dogs out and stood at the corner waiting for Angel, a rumour was abroad that Mr.

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