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'Come nigh haulin' me in tew. ''Tain't possible, said Uncle Eb. Mose expectorated, his hands upon his hips, looking down at the water. 'Wouldn't eggzac'ly say 'twas possible, he drawled, 'but 'twas a fact. 'Yer mistaken, said Uncle Eb. 'No I hain't, was the answer, 'I tell ye I see it. 'Then if ye see it the nex' thing ye orter see 's a doctor. There's sumthin' wrong with you sumwheres.

'Y' don't know all, interrupted Mosk, with a taunting laugh; 'there's sumthin' I ain't told y', an' I ain't agoin' to tell. 'You have confessed your sin, that is enough for me. God is softening your hard heart. Grace is coming to your soul. My brother! my brother! let us pray. 'Sha'n't! Leave me alone, can't y'? Baltic fell on his knees.

'Dunno's ye'll ever care to wear it, but I want ye should hev sumthin' ye can carry'n yer pocket t' remember me by. I did not dare trust myself to speak, and I sat helplessly turning that relic of a better day in my fingers. 'It's genuwine silver, said he proudly. I took his old hand in mine and raised it reverently to my lips.

Uncle Noah had not lived in an atmosphere permeated with Fairfax pride without feeling its influence. "I'se not askin' foh charity, Miss," he averred stubbornly. "I'se a-sellin' sumthin'. I reckons if yoh buy me, Miss, an' yoh lemme go back an' stay Christmas wif ol' Massa, I'll sell maself cheap.

Sum wanted post orfices, sum wanted collectorships, sum wantid furrin missions, and all wanted sumthin. I thought Old Abe would go crazy. He hadn't more than had time to shake hands with 'em, before another tremenjis crowd cum porein onto his premises. His house and dooryard was now perfeckly overflowed with orfice seekers, all clameruss for a immejit interview with with Old Abe.

After all, in the deepest of my tribulations I feel, I do the most of the time feel, that it pays. When he is good he is dretful good. Wall, I went over to see Polly Pixley the next night, and when I got back to my room, there stood Josiah Allen with both of his feet sort a bandaged and tied down onto sumthin', which I didn't at first recognize.

"Yes, mate," he replied, eyeing me, curiously. "Yer said sumthin' about a crew." "I must have been dreaming," I said; and rose up to put away my plate. The Ghost Ships At four o'clock, when again we went on deck, the Second Mate told me to go on with a paunch mat I was making; while Tammy, he sent to get out his sinnet.

"The trustee," she answered, "what sees as how we-uns goin' ter school gits shoes outen the school fund, I reckon 'twuz he said, or sumthin' that a-way. He's a-stayin' down thar by the Cunnel's, some-un says, so mebbe ye knows 'im. Not as I allow ter be beholden ter no one: but commencement's commencement!" "Why, Mrs. Owsley!" an accusing voice cried from the window.

I know he has that, and maybe I can help you make it up." "Thank-ee," she turned to go back, "but I reckon Mother Owsley's Cyantha kin help some." She stood a moment, hesitating, then faced around, asking: "Ye hain't got a primer, or sumthin', I kin take ter Mother Owsley, hev ye?

Save me!" he yelled, throwing himself at Fremont's feet. "I did not mean tew git th' boys hanged. They, Bill an' Spike, told me 'twas jest tew scare them. They was a-tryin' tew frighten th' boys intew doin' sumthin' for them Oh-h-h, don't let them git me! Save me!" and he clutched Fremont's legs with both his quivering hands, as the roar of the crowd became louder and more threatening.