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McKrigger had told her about Farrington and the petition, "d'ye think you an' Ruthie will mind if me an' Sammy go into the shore this afternoon with old Queen?" "Why no, dear," was the reply. "But don't ye think the roads are too bad, an' besides, what are ye thinkin' of?" "I don't mind the roads, John. They're purty well smashed down by now, an' Queen's very stidy.

Man is a strange animal, and whatever untravelled philosophers may say to the contrary, he speedily makes himself "at home" anywhere! "Hallo, Bryan!" shouted Stanley from the canoe, "look sharp; we're waiting for you!" "Ay, ay, yer honour," replied the Irishman, lifting a huge mass of rock; "jist wan more, an' it'll be stiff an' stidy as the north pole himself."

"Mi hart has allers ben yourn, it is old now, but it ain't dride up nun. will yu marry me now iv got tu be a poor old man. if yu wil i wil cum fur yu on the fust bote. iv got a leetle muny lade up fur a wet day. i hev allers ben stidy, and never drunk anything in my hull life. if yu wil hev me let me no as quick as lightnin figerative speekin. your old flame, philip Roarer Chimney Rock.

It was funny to see him sitting on the sand, Emmeline standing before him with her garment round her waist, being tried on; he, with a mouthful of pins, and the housewife with the scissors, needles, and thread by his side. "Turn to the lift a bit more," he'd say, "aisy does it. Stidy so musha! musha! where's thim scissors?

"I wish I could, Flinders, but the rascal that tied me has drawn the cord so tight that I feel as if I had no hands at all." "I'll soon putt that right. Where are ye? Ah, that's it, now, kape stidy." Flinders severed the cord with his bowie knife, unwound it, and set his friend free.

"Snatch it alive! Begob, ye'd think it was plate glass ye're liftin', ye're so tinder about it! Now thin! Togither-r-r heave! Once again, heave! Ye didn't git it an inch that time! Stidy there a minute! Here you min on that pike, what in the blank, blank are ye bunchin' in one ind loike a swarm av bees on a cowld day! Shift over there, will ye!"

He jis’ holla out fu’ somebody bring dat hoss tu de steps, an’ him stan’in’ ’s big uz life, waitin’. I gits tu de hoss fus’, me, an’ leads ’im up, an’ he gits top dat hoss stidy like he ain’t tetch a drap, an’ he fling me big dolla.” “Whar de dolla, Mista Pierson?” enquired Betsy. “De dolla in my pocket, an’ et gwine stay dah.

I once asked my friend Carson from Colorado if he could choose but one gift in all the world, what would it be? "The contintment of stidy work," answered the wise old philosopher from out of the West; and my heart echoes his wisdom. Had a big fat letter from Jack, and the reputation he gives those germs he is associating with, is simply disgraceful. He gives me statistics also. Wish he wouldn't.

Already several of the most active of them were scrambling up the cliffs with heavy loads on their backs; and, while Stanley and his wife were yet conversing, two of them approached rapidly, bearing the large canoe on their shoulders. The exclamation that issued from the foremost of these proved him to be Bryan. "Now, bad luck to ye, Gaspard! can't ye go stidy?

He saw it, patient among its persecutors, with the eyes of perfect vision, and grew strangely calm and comforted. These evil men appeared to him in a clearer, a purer light. For one splendid second he was sorry for them. "Father, forgive them," he prayed, and added aloud, "Good-bye, Blob." The voice at his ear brought him back from heaven. "Stidy, Beardie! You're spiling sport.