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Jes' stan's up ez straight an' smilin' afore all the crowd, an' jes' tells off his p'ints, one, two, three, ez nip! An' the crowd always cheers an' cheers jes' bawls itse'f hoarse. Whenever thar's a chance ter speak, Wat jes' leaves them t'other candidates nowhar." Ah, Theodosia's beauty well deserved the guerdon of sweet words. She might have been pictured as a thirsting Hebe.

I am no miner, and I have no cash. I am eating husks." "You listen. Singularly enough, Stanley has sent his partner up here to make me exactly the same proposition." "That was Stan's partner to-day that old gray goat?" "Exactly. So, you see, I have two chances." "I need not ask you," said Joey with a sage nod, "whether you intend to throw in your lot with the thieves or with the honest men.

"I've served yez, fair an' faithful, for six mont's, and it stan's to rayson as I wouldn't 'a' been let to stay that long onder yer ruff if so be I hadn't shuited yez." She has me there, and she knows it. Inwardly, I retract some of the hard things I have thought and said of Mrs. ... of No ... West Fifty-seventh street.

This continued for a long time. They had masses repeated and prayers read in all the churches. They questioned all the witches, but God's gift did not come. One day, two travelers arrived at Stan's house, and were joyfully received and entertained with the best food he had.

One en all on us knows who's a pullin' at de bits Like de lead-mule dat g'ides by de rein, En yit, somehow or nudder, de bestest un us gits Mighty sick er de tuggin' at de chain. Hump yo'se'f ter de load en fergit de distress, En dem w'at stan's by ter scoff, For de harder de pullin', de longer de res', En de bigger de feed in de troff.

I'm always glad when he comes to the Towers, but he hardly ever does in the Season; and then in August and September he's always in Scotland. So is Vic, for the matter of that, and she hates being in the country in May and June, though Surrey is so close to town that luckily she doesn't miss much; but this year we seem to have been horribly poor, for some reason. Vic says it's Stan's fault.

He didna stay very lang, and gaed awa' saying he'd come back again. Nellie has everything ready the bed a' made, wi' clean sheets an' blankets on them an' there she stan's always at that window, lookin' doon the brae. It would break yer heart to see her, Leezie, she's that vexed lookin'." So they wept and sorrowed together.

"Well, but Uncle Remus, you said rabbits had long, bushy tails," replied the little boy. "Now you know you did." "Ef I ain't fergit it off'n my mine, I say dat ole Brer Rabbit wuz gwine down de big road shakin' his long, bushy tail. Dat w'at I say, en dat I stan's by." The little boy looked puzzled, but he didn't say anything.

That accounted for the hated looks the people on the street had given Domber as he passed. He was a Dutch Quisling, a traitor to his own country. Domber seemed to read Stan's thoughts. "I always have been credited with having brains enough to take care of my business and my own comforts," he said dryly. Then he smiled. "But sit down. We will see what we have for luncheon."

"Miss Ann, honey," she said in her soft, old drawl, "dem cattle down by de Branch is all that stan's 'twixt us-all and we-all becoming white trash! I jis' got-ter go, chile!" Then before Ann Walden could speak again the woman was gone!