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Updated: August 18, 2024

"Come, auntie," he said impatiently at last, "you know I don't believe in this tom-foolery." She turned to him vehemently. "Don't go whar yo' thinkin' ob gwine, honey," she implored. "Yo'll nebber come back, foh suah foh suah! I see yo' lyin' dar, honey, in de dark valley whar de mists am risin' and I hears a bugle soundin' and de tramp of horses.

There seems no doubt, indeed, that strangers to these parts wrote it, and as there are no other strangers in the Bay than the lumbermen, we are safe in concluding that the cairn was built and the note written by someone from the lumber camp at Grampus River." "'Swag' is a wonderful strange soundin' word, now," said David. "I never hears un before."

"Me the first s'lectman of this town out poppin' off a widder's hens? That would be a nice soundin' case when it got into court, wouldn't it?" "Get into court first and sue her," advised the militant Hiram.

I'll wage 'tis to fetch your children back from school." "Partly," assented Eli. "Iss; partly, that, an' to listen here to their voices soundin' so pretty across the wall. And partly, I reckon, 'tis on the chance to get speech with the Lord Proprietor and persuade 'em to let you bide on Saaron. But that you'll never do. Mind, I'm not sayin' a word against th' old curmudgeon.

"Well, I don't exactly see my way," replied the captain slowly. "What d'ee say to my soundin' her on the subject?" "Couldn't think of it! You may be first-rate at deep-sea soundings, father, but you couldn't sound the depths of a young girl's heart. I must reserve that for myself, however long it may be delayed." "So be it, lad.

Doyne, it's great work the two of us had this day comin' along the road, plannin' a fine name for Mrs. Morrough to have in the Union', for she sez it's none any dacint poor people own she'll be bringin' into it. So we've settled she's to be Mrs. Skeffington Yelverton. That's an iligant soundin' one, isn't it, ma'am?"

Did you say it any better than I?" "Well, I nivir heard tell of anybody called that way before. It's a quare she-he soundin' sort of name," said Peter. "Faix, then, there may be plinty quarer in it, we niver heard tell of, if that was all," said Felix. "Anyhow, it's his name, and his people's afore him.

"At that Calliope steps forward I remember how she looked in her pretty gray dress with some light thing over her head, an' her starched white skirts was rustlin' along under, soundin' so genteel she seemed to me like strangers do. When he see her, the man made to get up, but he was too weak for it. "'Why, yes, she answers him, 'if you're well enough to see anybody.

Bedad, father, I rose betimes and did it, before anny man should say he set me the lead. Before the carpet in the parlor was down, and with the bare boards soundin' to my words, I offered her the name of Finden." "And so the first of the long line! Bien, it is an honor."

Drunk as he was there was yet a dilapidated splendour about the fellow as about an historic ruin. The boy felt it through his disgust. "I thought Nelson did a bit," he said. "Nelson did much; I did more; e did most," with a wave forward. "Why!" shouting now. "Who was it led the line inside the shoal creepin it, leadsman in the chains, soundin all the way?

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