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I hope, Moses, that you aimed low." "Yes, massa but it's sca'cely fair when life an' def am in de balance to expect me to hit 'im on de legs on a dark night. Legs is a bad targit. Bullet's apt to pass between 'em. Howseber, dat feller won't hop much for some time to come!"

He bore himself with a sour solemnity, and he was at once irritable and dejected. "Shucks, Andy! ye knows ye ain't no kin sca'cely ter the old woman; ye couldn't count out how ye air kin ter her ter save yer life. Now, I'M obleeged ter attend." It so happened that the tanner's great-aunt was distantly related to Andy Byers.

Named him Swally Jones, an' reg'lar 'dopted him soon ez he see how his wing was. Sonny's the only child I ever see in my life thet could take young chimbly-swallers after their fall an' make em' live. But he does it reg'lar. They ain't a week passes sca'cely but he fetches in some hurted critter an' works with it.

He wouldn't go back in school without him, cause he didn't want the child'en to know he'd got away. So down he set; but he hadn't no mo' 'n took his seat sca'cely when he heerd the child'en in school roa'in' out loud, laughin' fit to kill theirselves.

In her widening eyes were new depths, a vague terror, a wild speculation, all struck aghast by its own temerity. "Ye never said nuthin ter hender," she faltered. "I never knowed Tobe, sca'cely. How's enny-body goin' ter know a man ez lived 'way off down hyar in Lonesome Cove?" her mother retorted, acridly, on the defensive. "He never courted me, nohows.

"Nuthin' would do Ethelindy but she mus' up an' offer to show the officer the way out by that thar cave what tunnels through the spur of the mounting down todes the bluffs, what sca'cely one o' the boys left in the Cove would know now." "Else he'd hev been capshured," Ethelinda humbly submitted.

Now when I've gone fifteen or eighteen hours without food I have a feelin' an' it's a strong one, too that I'm goin' to be hungry, an' I'm sca'cely ever mistook, jest ez I've got a feelin' when the skies are filled with big black clouds that it's liable to rain purty soon. I tell you, Paul, it's a great thing to have this here power you call second sight."

"I reckon he loved her very much." "Then you're sure they hadn't quarrelled?" "Dead sure, ma'am. He would come back afteh he had played some more of the game." "The game?" "Life, ma'am. Whatever he was a-doin' in the world of men. That's a bed-rock piece, ma'am!" "Well, I don't see why you think it's so much better than some of the others." "I could sca'cely explain," answered the man.

"'Ligion don't taste no better'n whiskey, tell you get used to it," said the drunkard, horrifying all the orthodox people at Backley, "an' taint made half so invitin'. 'Taint long ago I heerd ye tellin' another deacon that the church-members ort to be 'shamed of 'emselves, 'cos sca'cely any of 'em come to the week-evenin' meetin's, so ye can't blame the boys at the tavern."

Of co'se he's all unhinged in the top story ez anybody would be thet lived in the woods an' e't sca'cely anything but herbs an' berries. But, anyhow, he's got a sort o' gift o' prophecy an' insight, ez we all know.