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"But, Unc' Balla, that's the way all buccaneers do," protested Frank. "Yes, buccaneers always go by water," said Willy. "And we can stoop in the ditch and come in at the far end of the garden, so nobody can see us," added Frank. I got the misery in my knee now, so bad I'se sca'cely able to stand. I don't know huccome y' all ain't satisfied with the place you' ma an' I done pick, anyways."

"I'm pow'ful glad to see you, Henry," said Shif'less Sol, "but I don't think you look respeckable without some clothes aroun' you. So put 'em on, an' I'll invite you into my house." "It's fine to see you again, Sol! Alive and well!" exclaimed Henry joyfully. "Wa'al, I'm alive," said Shif'less Sol, "but I ain't what you would sca'cely call well.

"Ef ye put this hyar road through my land," he said solemnly, "I'll be teetotally ruinationed. The cattle-thievin' that'll go on, with the woods so open an' the road so convenient, an' yit no travel sca'cely, will be a scandal ter the jay-bird. I won't hev so much lef' ez the horn of a muley cow!"

Couldn't manage to do me a favor at eight?" "What is the favor, Mr. Baines?" "'Tain't much. Sca'cely anythin' a-tall. I calc'late to be a-settin' in Grandma Penny's parlor at eight sharp. I won't keep you waitin' more 'n a second unless somebody happens to be with me a-talkin' my arm off. If they hain't nobody with me, why, you walk right in.

"It's good this country has reformed, or they'd have you warblin' in some dance-hall and corrupt your morals." "You sca'cely can corrupt the morals of a soprano man," observed the Virginian. "Go and play with Billy till you can talk bass." But it was the boldest adults that Billy chose for playmates. Texas he found immature. Moreover, when next he came, he desired play with no one.

"He hedn't no thumb sca'cely on his lef' hand," piped out Jim, holding up his own grimy paw, and looking at it with squinting intensity as he crooked it at the first joint, to imitate the maimed hand. "No thumb!" exclaimed the constable excitedly. "Amos Brierwood fur a thousand!" Jim nodded his head intelligently, with sudden recollection.

As for me, I sca'cely know how to rig'late, because, you know, I'm a' officer now, an' in course I natchel has to be away sometimes an' on expenses at 'tother places, an' it seem like some 'lowance ought by good rights to be made for that; don't you think so?" "Why, matter o' course, Matt; what you think? I ain't so powerful good at figgers. Nervy is. S'posen you speak to her 'bout it."

The stars, high above the far-stretching mountains, seemed to throb in unison, until suddenly the blacksmith dealt a sharp blow on the face of the anvil as a signal to his striker to cease, and the forge was silent. As he leaned against the jamb of the door, mechanically adjusting his leather apron, he heard Ab's voice again. "Old Bob say he ain't no 'count sca'cely.

He's been in love with his teacher, Miss Phoebe, most three years an' 'cep'n' thet I had a sim'lar experience when I was sca'cely out o' the cradle, why, I might 'a' took it mo' serious. That sort o' fallin' in love, why, it comes same ez the measles or the two-year-old teeth, an' th' ain't nothin' sweeter ef it's took philosophical.

She don't say much when wife or I are around, which I think is showin' only right an' proper respec's. Th' ain't nothin' purtier, to my mind, than for a young girl to set up at table with her elders, an' to 'tend strictly to business. Mary Elizabeth'll set th'oo a whole meal, an' sca'cely look up from her plate. I never did see a little girl do it mo' modest.