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Updated: August 8, 2024

An' this way she kep' an till mornin', cryin' and lamintin; an' wid the first light she called up all the sarvint bys, an' she tould them to go out an' to sarch every inch iv ground to find the corpse, 'for I'm sure, says she, 'it's not to go hide himself he would, says she.

Well, she never minded a word he said, for he used to say the same thing all as one every time she dhrew blood; an' she had no expectation at all but he'd come back by the time supper id be ready; but faix the story didn't go quite so simple this time, for while he was walkin', lonesome enough, down the borheen, with his heart almost broke with the pain, for his shins an' his jaw was mighty troublesome, av course, with the thratement he got, who did he see but Mick Hanlon, his uncle's sarvint by, ridin' down, quite an asy, an the ould black horse, with a halter as long as himself.

"They were carried away by a vessel while we had wandered inland." "And you two halloo! here's your grandfather!" "No; that is Tim O'Rooney, a good friend of ours." "Your humble sarvint!" saluted the Irishman, removing his hat, making a profound bow and scraping a large foot upon the ground. "Well, there! We're glad to see you. What's all your names?"

Who is to clean your boots, and to pipeclay your belts; to wash your linen, to clean your firelock, and cook your dinners, and pitch your tent, if you don't have a sarvint? The thing's against nature, entirely." "We shall do it all ourselves, Tim that is to say, as far as cleaning the rifles, washing our linen, and cooking the dinner.

I don't intend to mintion a syllable of what you said this day; but as his sarvint, and gettin' bread through him, and undher him, I can't, nor I won't, suffer his honor to be backbitten before his own face for it's next to that. Now, says I, 'be guided by me, and all will be right.

Wool quickly got out of the way and made room for the overseer, who was sniveling like a whipped schoolboy, and to whom the housekeeper said: "I thought you were wiser than to take this so to heart, Mr. Ezy." "Oh, mum, what could you expect? An old sarvint as has sarved the major faithful these forty years, to be discharged at sixty-five! Oh, hoo-ooo-oo!" whimpered the overseer.

She did so; but soon presented herself a second time at the chaise door with more agreeable intelligence. "You're right, Miss," said she; "the mistress desired me to ask you in; she seen you from the windy, and desired me to bring your things too; you're to come in, then, Miss, you, an' the sarvint that's along wid you."

Tom was a well-hearted, friendly lad, and thinking that Sally, who bore a good name for being such a clane sarvint, would make a good wife, he lent Larry two guineas, which along with two more that Sally's aunt, who had no childhre of her own, gave her, enabled them to over their difficulties and get married.

I wish I had never met with her, or that I had married a sober girl, that wasn't fond of dress and dancing. If she was a good sarvint, it was only because she liked to have a good name; for when she got a house and place of her own, see how she turned out!

With some difficulty he brought the big horse to a standstill in front of them and grabbing off his ragged cap stammered out his message: "Howdy, Massa Dominie. Sarvint, Missy Peggy, but Josh done sont me fer ter fin' yo' an' bring you back yon' mighty quick, kase kase, de de sor'el mar' done got mos' kilt an' lak' 'nough daid right dis minit.

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