United States or Vatican City ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the beginning it was no great matter; five minutes of good give and tak' in talk wad ha' settled it, had masters and men got together as folk should do. But the masters wouldna listen, and the men were sair angry, and so there was the strike. It was easy enough for me. I'd money in the savings bank. My brothers were a' at work in other pits where there was no strike called.

She set hersel' to put questions till him, sic as she thoucht he wad like to answer a' aboot himsel' an' what he had come throu'; an' sic stories as he tellt! She atten't till him as she had never dune to guest afore, an' her father saw 'at she was sair taen wi' the man.

I'm weel convinced Gabriel drapped the roughies in the water on purpose; he doesna like to see ony body do a thing better than himsell. 'Ay, said another, 'he's sair shamed o' himsell, else he would have been up here the night; Gabriel likes a little o' the gude thing as weel as ony o' us. 'Is he of this country? said Brown.

"Ay!" pursued his guide, "on this very spot the man fell from his horse I was behind that bourtree-bush at the very moment. Sair, sair he strove, and sair he cried for mercy but he was in the hands of them that never kenn'd the word! Now will I show you the further track the last time ye travelled it was in these arms."

“Yes sairreturned the Frenchman, whose prominent eyes were watching the precarious footsteps of the beast he rode, as it picked its dangerous way among the roots of trees, holes, log bridges, and sloughs that formed the aggregate of the highway. “Je vous entends; de low countrie is freeze up for half de yearThe error of Mr.

Koenig, surely you remember me?" and Glory's heart seemed to beat like a watch. "No-o, sair. Are you Oh, yes; what am I thinking of? But de lady " "Mr. Koenig," Glory called, cried, gasped over the stair-rail, "ask the gentleman to come up, please."

'Here, Sir, but in woful plight; borne in an hour syne by four carles who said you had been set upon by the Master of Albany, and sair harried, and they say the Tutor doth nought but wail for his bairns. How won ye out of his hands, my Lord? 'Thanks to this good knight, said Malcolm; and the gate was opened, and the new-comers dismounted to pass under the archway, which taught humility.

Shall I take it or will you?" There was just a hint of irony in the boatman's tone, and remembering the timidity he had shown when clutched by the squid, Colin felt that this was the chance to redeem himself. "I don't mind taking it," he said. "You say these things are quite harmless." "Quite, sair, I t'ink," the boatman replied.

Oleander turned her regards upon the new nurse. Strangers were "sight for sair een" in that ghostly, deserted farmhouse. But the new nurse never looked at her; she sat with those impenetrable green glasses fixed steadfastly on the blazing fire. Dr.

"Puir Lizzie! She loves him still, for all he's done to her and to us. She says he'll come back yet, rich and well, and tak' her out o' service, and bring up the bairns like the sons and dochters of gentlefolk. And we weel, we say nowt to shake her. She maybe happier thinking so, and it's a sair hard time she's had, puir lass.