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A sair job we had of it before we got him shipped; and while he still lay in the heather, the English rogues, that couldna come at his life, were striking at his rights.

His color rose. "Aye, it was a sair sight," he said, abruptly, made a pause, then went on with the impetuousness of a burn unlocked from winter ice. "If I should say just what I think, I suppose, uncle, that I could not come here again! So I'll e'en say only that I think that was a sair sight and that I felt great shame and pity for all sinners.

'Ah, Quatermain! he sang out in a trembling, excited voice, 'so we have conquered; but it is a sorry sight, a sorry sight; and then breaking into broad Scotch and glancing at the bent knife in his hand, 'It fashes me sair to have bent my best carver on the breastbone of a savage, and he laughed hysterically.

'I misdoobt if a mere man could see ane clearly and conteenue in the body. I hae sailed wi' a lad they ca'd him Sandy Gabart; he saw ane, shure eneueh, an' shure eneueh it was the end of him. We were seeven days oot frae the Clyde a sair wark we had had gaun north wi' seeds an' braws an' things for the Macleod.

Take your young man, Sheba O'Neill, and marry him, and for God's sake, get him out of Alaska before I come to grips with him again. I'm not a patient man, and he's tried me sair. They say I'm a good hater, and I always thought it true. But what's the use of hating a man when your soft arms are round him for an armor?" The fine eyes of the girl were wells of warm light.

The grist is out, the times are hard, The kine are only three; I canna leave the auld folk now. We'd better bide a wee. 'I fear me sair they're failing baith; For when I sit apart, They talk o' Heaven so earnestly, It well nigh breaks my heart. So, laddie, dinna urge me now, It surely winna be; I canna leave the auld folk yet. We'd better bide a wee.

'I wot weel, Mr. Wauverley, and that was she e'en; but sair, sair angry and affronted wad she hae been, puir thing, if she had thought ye had been ever to ken a word about the matter; for she gar'd me speak aye Gaelic when ye was in hearing, to mak ye trow we were in the Hielands. I can speak it weil eneugh, for my mother was a Hieland woman.

And it hurt me sair to see Munro gettin' siller it seemed to me Murdoch and I micht just as weel be sharing between us. Not that I didna like Munro fine, ye'll ken; he was a gude manager, and a fair man. But it was just the way I was feeling, and I told Murdoch so. "Ye hae richt, Harry," he said. "There's sense in your head, man, wee though you are. What'll we do?" "Why, be our ain managers!"

And gin ye dinna ken him for the crater ye fand i' the garret, he maun be sair changed sin' I left him there. 'Weel, weel, Robert, gang yer wa's. But gin ye be deceivin' me, may the Lord forgie ye, Robert, for sair ye'll need it. 'Nae fear o' that, grannie, returned Robert, from the street door, and vanished. Mrs.

"He who can conscientiously call himself good, has indeed reason to thank Heaven, be his form of Christianity what it will But who is he that shall dare to do so!" "Not I," said Edie; "I trust to beware of the sin of presumption." "What was your trade in your youth?" continued the Earl. "A soldier, my lord; and mony a sair day's kemping I've seen. I was to have been made a sergeant, but"