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"Ye was some sair upo' me, Ma'colm," he went on, grasping the youth's hand. "I doobt I was ower sair," said Malcolm, who could hardly speak for a lump in his throat. "Weel, I deserved it. But eh, Ma'colm! I canna believe it was me: it bude to be the drink."

Hoo cud ye speir sic a queston, laddie? 'He maun be sair changed, grannie. He maun be turnin' auld by this time. 'Auld! Sic like 's yersel, laddie. Hoots, hoots! ye're richt. I am forgettin'. But nanetheless wad I ken him. 'I wis I kent what he was like. I saw him ance hardly twise, but a' that I min' upo' wad stan' me in ill stead amo' the streets o' Lonnon. 'I doobt that, returned Mrs.

"Sae lang's we hae tongues, and can wag them to the name o' him," they said, "we'll no haud them!" And at that they fell upo' them, and ill-used them sair; some o' them they tuik and burnt alive that is, brunt them deid; and some o' them they flang to the wild beasts, and they bitit them and tore them to bits. And , 'Was the bitin o' the beasts terrible sair? interrupted Steenie.

He's missing Miss Helen sair." "Missing Miss Helen!" echoed the earl, turning pale. "Ay, my lord. She gaed awa it's just twa days sin syne. She was sair vexed to leave Cairnforth and the minister." "Leave her father?" "A man maun leave father and mither, and cleave unto his wife the scripture says it. And a woman maun just do the like for her man, ye ken.

"I hae come throuw a heap, lately, father," answered Cosmo. "I hae been ailin' in body, an' sair harassed in hert. I'll tell ye a' aboot it, whan we hae time and o' that we'll hae plenty, I s' warran', for I tell ye I winna lea' ye again; an' gien ye had only latten me ken ye was failin', I wad hae come hame lang syne. It was sair agen the grain 'at I baid awa'."

"It micht be some sair, she wad be thinkin' doobtless, for sic a waik worn cratur to lift whan the trump was blawn," said the sexton, with the feeble laugh of one who doubts the reception of his wit.

"Almichty God ... dinna be hard on Weelum MacLure, for he's no been hard wi' onybody in Drumtochty.... Be kind tae him as he's been tae us a' for forty year.... We're a' sinners afore Thee.... Forgive him what he's dune wrang, an' dinna cuist it up tae him.... Mind the fouk he's helpit ... the weemen an' bairnies ... an' gie him a welcome name, for he's sair needin't after a' his wark.... Amen."

"It's some sair!" he said at length, with a motion of his hands as if to grasp his head between them.

"So, our bonnie maiden," said Mary, brightening as she caught sight of the young girl, "thou art come forth once more to rejoice mine eyes, a sight for sair een, as they say in Scotland," and she kissed the fresh cheeks with a tenderness that gave Susan a strange pang.

"Ay, ay," exclaimed the mistress of the family "Hegh, sirs! can this be you, Jenny? a sight o' you's gude for sair een, lass." "O woman, we've been sae ta'en up wi' Captain Hector's wound up by, that I havena had my fit out ower the door this fortnight; but he's better now, and auld Caxon sleeps in his room in case he wanted onything.